Promised to the Swedish Prince - Sasha Cottman Page 0,5

to their carriage. Once the footman had moved out of earshot, he leaned in and spoke clear and low. “Perhaps this time away from Prince Gustav might help you to see things differently. To understand that love is not all that marriage has to involve. When it comes to people like us, we need to think strategically, not with our hearts.”

Erika understood her father perfectly. He was moving her into place to solidify his own power base. A royal daughter would open many doors for him, and grant Magnus favors beyond his current rank. But she was determined not to accept anything as being a fait accompli, especially not when she had time on her side. “Of course. I shall give Prince Gustav a fond farewell when we leave, but I will not be making any promises. Who knows what the next few years have in store for all of us? In that time, Gustav may find himself a pretty bride and forget all about me.”

She could only hope so.

The last thing she wished was to be placed in a position where others would expect her to marry Prince Gustav. Refusing a royal proposal of marriage—now that would surely cause offense. And her father would likely never speak to her again.

You have four years in which to make your own fate. Try not to waste them.

“I don’t see the need for you to also come here today. I could have seen them off myself,” snapped Gustav.

Christian continued watching the sailors on the Northern Lion as they busied themselves about the deck hauling luggage and goods on board. He was not going to take the bait and start yet another argument with his brother. Nor was he about to do as his brother wished and leave before saying goodbye to Erika.

“You said your farewells last night,” Gustav continued.

Christian nodded. “Yes, and Erika was still in discomfort when I did. It was my fault she had to spend her last night at the palace laid up on a low sofa and not seated at the table. I want to make sure Erika is alright. It will be four years until I see her again—have a heart. She is my friend as well as yours.”

Gustav and his petty jealousy could go hang.

A carriage drew up alongside the ship and they both took a step forward. Christian got a sharp elbow in the ribs from Gustav for his troubles. With a sigh, he fell into line behind his older brother.

Count Magnus Jansson climbed out of the coach. He lifted Erika and set her gently onto the stone of the dockside. Gustav gasped as the count handed her a walking cane.

He turned and glared at Christian. “You, stupid fool, look what you have done!”

They reached the Jansson family, and much to Christian’s chagrin, Gustav immediately turned on the charm offensive. He swiped off his hat and bowed low to them both. “It is such a relief that I have been able to catch up with you one last time before you depart,” he said.

Christian gritted his teeth. His brother was always about I and not we.

Forget about him for a minute. You must leave a favorable impression with her. Make Erika remember you with fondness, not distress.

Erika tilted her head and looked past Gustav. She smiled at Christian. He glanced at her walking stick before giving her a pained, regretful look in return. “I am so very sorry, Countess Erika. I will never forgive myself for hurting you,” he said.

Count Magnus shot Christian a hard glare. Christian had made his apologies the previous afternoon, but it was clear he was far from forgiven.

He didn’t want to think how uncomfortable things were going to be for her trying to travel on a ship when she had a damaged knee. The constant rocking and rolling motion of the boat would make for an extremely unpleasant journey.

Gustav moved to stand with Magnus and began to conduct yet another of his long, dry political discussions. Seeing an opportunity to speak to Erika somewhat privately, Christian turned his back slightly to his brother and stepped in close. “I pray that you are healed before you reach England.”

“Thank you. But let us not part on poor terms, Christian. You can take heart from knowing you have given me the best excuse to sit and read while on board. My father will not be able to press me into making long turns about the deck,” she replied.

She was being kind for his Copyright 2016 - 2024