Promised to the Swedish Prince - Sasha Cottman Page 0,4

on. Let’s go home.”

Balancing on the side of the broken sleigh, he hoisted himself onto the bare back of one of the horses before taking a hold of the other set of reins and lashing the animals close together.

Somewhere up ahead on the road back to the city, Prince Gustav was no doubt working his charms on Erika. Promising that when she and he next saw one another, they would discuss marriage. That she would one day be a princess, not just a countess.

“I wish she were my princess, not yours,” he muttered.

He cursed himself. He had been blind to his feelings for Erika for far too long. His refusal to acknowledge his heart’s desire until now would cost him dearly.

“You are a fool in love for her, and a fool with no time left.”

He dug his heels in the side of his horse and began the long, cold ride back to Stockholm Palace. He had ruined this last day with the Swedish countess, and all hope was gone.

Tomorrow, Erika and her father would be on board a ship bound for England.

He had lost any chance he might have had with her, and he had no one else to blame but himself.

Chapter Three

The following morning, Erika stood out the front of her home in Storgatan waiting for the last of the travel trunks to be loaded onto the cart and taken down to the docks. She leaned against the brick wall just to one side of the front door, her swollen and injured knee unable to bear weight for too long.

“Are you ready to leave?” asked Count Magnus Jansson.

She turned from her quiet study of the goings-on out in the street and gave him a short nod. It was difficult to find much more than that in her heart, everything was becoming all too real. Within hours, they would be well on their way to Denmark, after which they would sail on to England.

When will I see the blue skies of Stockholm again?

“Yes, Pappa. I just have to get my travel bag,” she replied.

He slipped an arm around her shoulder before dropping a kiss on her forehead. Today was a momentous day for them both. For Magnus, it was the beginning of a long-held ambition to serve the King as a foreign diplomat; for Erika, it was the time to say goodbye to childhood friends and the only home she had ever known.

“Prince Gustav sent word that he is coming down to the ship to see you off. Isn’t that wonderful news?” said Magnus.

Erika mustered a second nod for his benefit. “He didn’t have to. I did say goodbye to both him and Prince Christian last night at the farewell dinner.”

Her father leaned in close and met her gaze. He gave Erika one of his paternal I know what’s best for you, looks.

“Don’t talk dumheter. You know it is only proper that he does. When we return to Sweden in four years’ time, his father and I are both hoping that you and he will become reacquainted. A royal connection through marriage would open many doors for the both of us,” he said.

Erika fixed a tight smile to her lips. Now she understood what Magnus and Prince Stefan had been discussing last night. For several hours they had sat at one end of the grand table and conducted a long conversation, much of which had included a great deal of nodding and smiles on the part of both men.

But Pappa, the only doors Prince Gustav is interested in are the ones which lead to your country estate. He doesn’t care about me—he just wants to inherit property. And now you are trying to play matchmaker and marry me off to him.

She held his gaze. Pale blue eyes the exact same shade as hers stared back. “I know you would love nothing more than for me to become a princess, but please, Pappa, don’t give Prince Gustav any sort of encouragement.”

He frowned. “Why ever not?”

Erika paused for a moment. How was she to put this into words that wouldn’t alarm her father? He was currently in favor with King Charles and also Prince Stefan, so insulting a member of the royal family would not be a wise move. “Because he and I may not make a good match. We do not have much in common, nor have we spoken of shared affection,” she replied.

Simple. Plain. And hopefully unoffensive.

Magnus’s gaze fell on one of the household servants carrying his leather document satchel Copyright 2016 - 2024