Powerful (The Driven World) - Kathleen Kelly Page 0,35

I’m reveling in the feel of his body pressed so close to mine, but I need more, I need to feel all of him. Reaching down, my hands go up under his shirt. Kris puts me on the bed, and in one swift movement, pulls his shirt over his head and reconnects his mouth to mine. My hands cusp his face as his hands move down to pull my dress up and off me.

Then he stops. I’m sitting on the edge of the bed, naked, and he’s standing before me—all six foot five of him, tanned, sculpted, perfect. Kris drops to his knees, spreads my legs, and kisses me. His hands go to my ass, and he pulls me to the edge of the bed. Where his body touches mine, it feels so good like a fire that burns from within my soul. His lips leave mine as he kisses down my neck, and his fingers brush the lips of my vagina. I gasp, and he pushes me back. Kris lifts one of my legs and kisses the inside of my knee. His eyes never leave mine as he kisses his way to my clit.

With my heels on the edge of the bed, I spread my legs further. This is not the clumsy lovemaking of our youth. This is a man who knows how to bring a woman to the edge and beyond. Entwining my hands in his hair, I hold him in place as I grind into his eager mouth. Kris sucks and licks, and just when I think I’m about to shatter, he stops and does something else. He brings me to the edge so many times, only to stop.

“Please,” I beg.

Kris rises over me, pulling one of my nipples into his mouth. “Please, what?”

“Kris, I’m so close.”

“How close?” His finger rubs on my clit, and I grind into it, unable to control the fire within.

“I need you.”

I close my eyes and concentrate on his hand, but again, he stops. My eyes fly open, and he smiles at me.

“How hungry are you, baby?”

“I’ll do anything.”

A smirk appears on his face as he inserts a finger into me, and a moan escapes me. “More?”

“Yes,” I purr as I ride his hand.

The smirk is replaced by something ravenous as he slowly lowers his mouth onto my clit while moving his finger in and out of me. Within moments, my body feels like it’s exploding as my orgasm washes through me. Kris sucks and laps until I’m spent. I feel like my whole body is liquid fire. Briefly, he leaves the room, and I push myself further up the bed. I hear him come back in, his kisses start on the inside of my leg, his tongue licks my slit, and then he works his way back up to my mouth.

I wrap a leg around him and feel his long, hard cock nestling at my entrance. Kris kisses me while his hands stoke the fire that has dimmed but not burned out. Kris tweaks a nipple between a finger and thumb, and I arch up. He rocks back, so he’s kneeling on the bed, he spread my legs and reaches under me, pulling me closer. With his cock only inside me an inch, he slowly pushes it all the way in then just as slowly pulls it back out, my body stretches and adjusts to his length and girth. Kris does this a few more times, then slams into me. I gasp at this new onslaught, relishing in the feel of his cock inside me.


“Yes?” I pant.

“Are you okay?”

His question confuses me.

Maybe I’m not doing enough?

I plant a foot in the bed and switch positions with him, now I’m on top. Kris’ hands go to my hips as he moves me at a punishing speed. The angle his cock is at elicits a new orgasm that takes me by surprise. Riding him harder and harder as it crests, I convulse around him. Kris groans and yells my name, his eyes shut, the veins in his neck bulging as I give him the release he so richly deserves.

“Stop, stop, stop,” Kris begs.

And slowly, I stop my movements. He opens his eyes and smiles.

“Swear to God, you are going to be the death of me.”

It’s my turn to smile. “Ditto.”

I lay on top of him, and he encircles me with his arms, his fingers drawing shapes on my back. For a while, we stay like that, him embedded in me and me listening

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