Powerful (The Driven World) - Kathleen Kelly Page 0,34

doing and stands next to me, his hand covers mine. “You can ask me anything, and I will answer you honestly.”

Feeling overwhelmed at his sincerity and close proximity, I move away.

“Do you think we should eat out by the pit, or should we get them to come inside?” I ask in a deliberate attempt to change the subject.

Kris smiles. “The food will be cold in no time if we eat out there. What about your garden? It’s protected from the wind, isn’t it?”

“Good idea. I’ll get plates while you get TB and Ashlea.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

Kris is gone long enough for me to get four plates out and the cutlery. When he walks back in, he looks concerned.

“What’s wrong?”

“They aren’t out there.”

I put down the glass in my hand and frown at him. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, they aren’t out there.”

“Call him,” I say.

Kris pulls out his phone and dials TB. “Man, where are you both?” A smile goes across his features, and his whole being seems to light up. “Your sister is going to kill you, you know that, right?” Kris nods his head. “Right, later.” Kris slips his phone into his pocket.

“Are they okay?”

Kris nods. “Seems TB snuck Ashlea back to his place for some alone time.”

Suddenly, I realize I’m alone with Kris, and he’s single.

“Stop looking at me like that. I promise I had nothing to do with it.” Kris opens one of the takeout containers. “But I am hungry, and we have enough food here to feed an army. Let’s eat.”

Not knowing what to do, I put away the extra plates and cutlery.

“Athena?” I stop what I’m doing and look up at him. “I can go if you want.”

“What? No. It’s fine, really. I, uh, I’m just…”

Kris waits for me to finish, his head tilted to the side as he stares at me intently. He has this way of making me feel like I’m the most important person on the planet, and the way he’s looking at me right now brings back a whole lot of different emotions. Lust being one of them.

Slowly, he moves around the counter, his hands find mine, and our fingers intertwine. He rests his forehead to mine.

“It’s just dinner. Nothing more.” I’m lost in his piercing blue eyes. “And I am starving.” I lick my lips, and his eyes go to my mouth. Kris closes the gap, a hair’s breadth away from me. “Are you hungry, Athena?” he whispers.

Pressing my lips to his, Kris increases the pressure, and his hands leave mine to travel up my arms, then back down and rest on my waist. He pulls me closer to him, and my arms encircle his neck, my hands gripping his hair as my tongue dips into his mouth. Kris moans, and one of his hands goes to my ass as he crushes me to him. Tilting my head to the side, his tongue touches mine, and we kiss passionately.

My body is on fire, the electric feeling between my legs intensifies, and I want him so badly. Kris picks me up and puts me on the kitchen counter, knocking some of the food onto the floor. I spread my legs and pull him into me, tugging at his belt, trying desperately to get it undone.

Just as quickly as this began, Kris stops and backs away from me. I’m wet, breathing hard, and confused. His breathing is ragged, and from the bulge in his pants, I know he wants me.

“Are you sure?” he asks.

The air seems to be fueled with electricity, and I nod.

“Say the words, Athena.”

“I’m hungry.”

Kris grins, reaches down, and undoes his belt while I shimmy out of my panties. The only noise in my home is our heavy breathing and the sound of him kicking off his shoes and letting his jeans hit the floor. He comes back to me, kisses the side of my mouth, trails kisses down my neck, and then comes back to take possession of my mouth. His fingers loop under the straps of my dress, and he eases them over my shoulders, then kisses his way down to my breast, where he sucks on my nipple, taking it into his mouth. Clutching the back of his head, I moan his name.

Kris straightens, picks me up, and I wrap my legs around his waist. The feel of his cock so close to my entrance excites me even more.

“Which room is yours?”

“First one on the left.”

There’s no more talking as our hands explore each other.

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