Powerful (The Driven World) - Kathleen Kelly Page 0,28

I’ll go back and get it. It’ll be worth it to see if Tommy has shut his mouth.”

I look up at Todd. “How does he know?”

Todd shrugs. “Who knows? I don’t care. It’s not like it’s a secret. I just don’t announce it to everyone. To me, it’s a non-issue. I am who I am.”

I put my drink on the table and hug Todd. “And you are wonderful,” I whisper, then standing back I take in his outfit. “Your light purple shirt brings out your brown eyes perfectly.”

“Lavender. It’s lavender. Have I taught you nothing?”

I giggle and nod. “Right, deputy, lavender.”

Todd grins, kisses my cheek, and goes back to the bar.


The entire night I do my best to ignore Kris. I answer his questions when he directs them to me, but I’m actively trying not to engage him in any conversation. Todd has kept his arm around me, and from a distance, we look like a happy couple. It’s late, and Todd squeezes my knee under the table. Glancing at him, he tilts his head slightly, the universal code for it’s time to leave.

Standing, I hold up my glass and look at TB and Ashlea. “To the happy couple, may the sea be calm and still, may the fish be aplenty, and your home forever full of love, and lastly, may your troubles be nil.”

“Here, here!” Todd stands and also holds up his glass.

Walking around the table, I put an arm around TB and Ashlea. “Love you both, but it’s way past my bedtime. I kiss each of them on the cheek and look at the table, avoiding Kris’ eyes. “Night, everyone.”

Todd holds out a hand to me, and we walk out of the club.

“Thank the seven seas that is over.”

“Aww, come on, it wasn’t that bad,” replies Todd.

I stumble as we hit the parking lot. “Pfft! And did you have to park miles away from the front door?”

Todd laughs. “Not my fault you wanted to look all hot in your six-inch heels and figure-hugging dress.”

Grabbing onto his shoulder, I lean on him as I remove one shoe and then the other.

“Oh my God, this is heaven,” I breathe as I flex my toes onto the hard surface.

“Need me to carry you, princess?”

“Nope, I’m pretty sure I could race you there now.”

With a shoe in each hand, we walk back to the car.

“You okay?” asks Todd.

“It’s been a weird night. I just want to go home and sleep.” Holding up the shoes as we walk, I continue, “And burn these.”

Todd opens his car door, and I slide into the seat. The drive home doesn’t take long, and we sit together in comfortable silence. Todd pulls up and goes to turn the car off, and I place a hand on his shoulder.

“No, don’t. Go home, sleep, you’ve got work tomorrow. I’ll be fine.”

“You sure?”

“Yes, Todd.” Leaning over, I kiss him on the cheek. “Thank you for tonight. And you looked very smart in your lavender shirt and gray pants.”


I laugh and nod. “Right, charcoal.”

Chapter Thirteen


Athena didn’t so much as spare me a parting look on her way out of the yacht club. Next, to me, Sophia didn’t even bother with small talk spending most of the night either talking on her phone or messaging on it. To say Sophia has gone cold toward me is an understatement. She played the devoted girlfriend in front of the cameras, but as soon as there wasn’t one pointed at us, she didn’t even try to talk to me. Even when I drove us back to the motel, Sophia got out of the car and didn’t look back, her phone already attached to her ear.

A knock at the door surprises me. I crack it an inch and see Todd on the other side, so I open it fully and look at him. He has both hands in his pockets and rocks back on his heels as though he’s nervous.

“What can I do for you, Todd?”

“I, ah, knocked on the room next door, and Sophia told me to try this room. I think I need to talk to you.”

Turning around, I sit on the end of the bed, and he sticks his head in, hands still in his pockets, looking a little lost.

“Come in, take a seat.”

Todd closes the door and sits on the only chair in the room while I lean forward, elbows on my knees, hands clasped, and wait for him to speak.

“Y-You’re not sharing a bed?”


Todd looks around nodding, and finally his gaze

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