Powerful (The Driven World) - Kathleen Kelly Page 0,27

hand. “Head up, chest out, and smile. We are going to walk into the club, and you are going to look like you haven’t got a care in the world. You’ve got this.”

“I’m not so sure I do.”

Todd gently squeezes my hand and more forcibly repeats, “You’ve got this.” With a slight tug, he propels me forward. “Smile,” Todd hisses quietly.

With my eyes glued to Kris, I smile, grip Todd’s hand for dear life, and walk into the club. TB and Ashlea are on the far side of the room, and with Todd’s help, he guides me to them.

“That is the scariest fucking smile you’ve ever given me. What did I do?” asks TB when we finally reach him.

“What do you mean?”

“Athena, you look like you want to kill me or worse. I’m sorry I made you come with Kris. I won’t do it again, I promise.”

Scowling at him, I cock my head to the side. “Make sure you don’t do that again.”

“I won’t, I won’t,” he replies, emphatically, arms held high, then he looks to Todd. “Glad you’re here.”

Todd smiles with his arm around me and leans into TB. “You made her come with that low-life?”

“What in God’s name did he do?” TB shakes his head. “And Kris isn’t a low-life.”

“He didn’t do anything.” I shake my hair and mutter, “Except for bringing the Ice Queen.”

TB bursts out laughing. “Ah, now I get it.”

Todd leans in again. “I’m sure you don’t.”

Frowning at Todd, I grab his hand. “Come on, I need a drink. Do you want anything, TB?”

“For you and the deputy to chill out?”

I stick out my tongue and walk to the bar.

Ashlea puts a hand on TB’s arm. “Hey, Athena, I’ll have a soda, please.”

She looks up at him as though he put the moon in the sky. There is nothing but adoration on her pretty face. I give Ashlea a smile, scowl at TB, and walk away.

“Your brother can be a dick,” whispers Todd.

“I know, but he’s my brother, and I’m the only one allowed to call him that.”

Todd barks out a laugh. “Fair enough.”

“Damn, Athena, you look good!” booms Tommy Baker from behind the bar.

“Thanks, Tommy. Could I have a diet Coke for Ashlea, please?”

“Sure thing, and what about you?” he asks as he gives me the once over.

Todd says, “She’ll have a glass of bubbles, and I’ll have a Shiner Bock.”

Tommy looks from Todd to me. “Oh, didn’t see that happening.”

“What exactly?” asks Todd.

“You drinking a beer? Sure you don’t want bubbles, too?”

“If I’d wanted bubbles, I’d have ordered bubbles.”

I sigh. “For fuck’s sake, Tommy, do your job.”

Both men look at me. Tommy’s smile fades to a scowl as he pulls down glasses and begins to get our drinks.

Turning around, I take in the club. The carpet is red, and the walls are wooden as the original owners wanted it to feel like the inside of a yacht. Tonight, it feels like one big cliché. Mom and Dad wave at me from a table in the back, and I wave back. There are not many people at the yacht club tonight, and those who are, are friends. Except for a few people who I assume are press or came here to get a glimpse of Hollywood’s hottest couple.

“You want this on your father’s tab?” asks Tommy.

“No, I’ll pay for it,” replies Todd.

Picking up my bubbles, I throw it back and nearly choke on it. Spluttering, I look at Todd, who laughs at me, shakes his head, and slaps me on the back.

“Get the lady another.”

Tommy grins, pours another, and hands it to me. “We aren’t in high school anymore. Take it easy, okay?”

I nod, take a sip, and smile. “Thanks, Tommy.”

The noise volume in the club increases, and I turn to see Kris with Sophia walking in. Some of the locals walk toward them as do the newcomers. I groan and look at Todd.

“Let’s go sit with Mom and Dad.”

“Whatever you want, princess.”

“Who’s the princess?” quips Tommy.

Locking eyes with him, I state. “You always were a dick, Tommy.”

His eyebrows go up, eyes bulge, and his mouth drops open. Todd bursts out laughing, holds out his arm to me, and I link mine through it.

“Okay, princess,” says Todd with a grin on his face. “Smile, shoulders back, tits out, and let’s own this floor space.”

Clutching his arm for dear life, I navigate my way to Mom and Dad’s table, successfully managing not to break my neck or stumble.

“Shit,” I hiss. “I forgot Ashlea’s drink.”

“All good,

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