Possessing the Grimstone - By John Grover Page 0,14

her eyes. She prayed that they would live through the night.

She waited for Nachin’s dwindling steps, but didn’t hear them. Looking up, he was still standing there. She began to speak when Nachin shook his head and walked away.


“Gentlemen, danger comes to our front door.” Olani stared at a group of seven older men who couldn’t be less interested in what she was saying. “A new, powerful enemy has sacked the Lake Land villages and marches to our gates. They have not been stopped, nor slowed.”

One of the men yawned. Olani glared at him with disdain.

“To continue, we must act now to save our grand city and our beautiful lands. I vote we seek the assistance of Cardoon. They have a vast army, and many resources. They will help us.”

“My dear,” one of the men answered. “Cardoon is the richest of all the cities, and the largest. Our concerns are not their concerns. They would never react to something so trivial.”

“Trivial? This is an unknown enemy from an unknown land! They’ve consumed half of our army!”

“Yes, but remember: we have bested many before them. Our walls have never fallen. Even in our wars with the South, not one southerner breached the walls of our city.”

“This is different. There is magic and spirits about. The enemy wields weapons we’ve never seen. We must seek assistance.”

“I’m afraid we’re going to have to reject your request. Bhrungach will defend its own. I vote for handling our own affairs. All in favor?”

The entire circle lifted their hands.

The speaker looked around and cracked a smile. “The matter is closed.”

Olani watched them get up and vacate the room. She pounded the table with her fists.


Nachin had been listening from the halls. He watched Olani leave the room last, and head back to her chambers.

The speaker sidled over to Nachin. “I do not appreciate being disturbed at home.”

“My apologies.” Nachin bowed his head.

“You said you would handle her.”

“I am trying. Do not worry, I am always with her.”

“If you can get her unseated, my dear boy, you would be next in line to be head of the council. Remember that.”

“I have never forgotten.”


Olani looked out her window, beyond the walls, where she could see the trees illuminated by the moonlight. A flock of night birds soared in the sky. She wondered how long it would be before this ferocious enemy reached the city. The fate of all of her people weighed heavily on her heart.

She didn’t care what the council said: she was its leader, and she could pull rank during times of conflict, so the laws stated. Throwing on her robe, she opened her chamber door.

On its other side, Nachin stood with a cup of tea. “Do not worry yourself, M’lady. The council knows what they’re doing. They have always been right. You wll see. You are new to all of this.”

“They are old fools, Nachin. They’d rather see the city fall than ask for assistance.”

“It is not our way, M’lady. Now, here, take your tea. It will calm your nerves.”

“Thank you, Nachin. You always know what I need.”

He grinned, watching her sip the brew. “Now get some rest. You know how ill you have been. Do not incite a relapse. The council is just getting used to being led by a woman. It will take some time.”

“Of course,” she said with a polite smile, and took another sip of her tea.

Nachin bowed to her and slipped from her room. Olani listened for his steps to disappear before setting her tea down and exiting her room.

On silent feet, she made her way through the palace and out into the city streets until she reached the orphanage. It was the only place they could think of bringing the boy from Daustra. He had lost his home and family to the scourge. She admired his bravery and selflessness in riding to the city and relaying what he’d witnessed.

She found him sharing a room with several other children. “Boy,” she called to him, “Come to me.”

“Yes, M’lady,” he stood at her attention, eyes wide and full of sadness.

“I need your help. All of Bhrungach does. Do you know the city of Cardoon and its location?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Good. I need to you to ride there. Seek their help. Tell them what you have seen, and that I have sent you. Fetch your horse, but use our tunnels below the streets. Do not try for the gates, as they will never allow you to pass. The tunnels will take you out

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