Possessing the Grimstone - By John Grover Page 0,13

turkey down. “Excuse me, young sir, are you lost?”

“No, sire. I am sorry to disturb you, but I must speak to you about a great danger to our city.”

“Great danger? Would I not have heard of this danger by now? Would you like some turkey with dressing? It is delicious!”

“No, your majesty. This is very important.”

“How about some biscuits and gravy?”

“Begging your pardon, sire. It’s about the mist in the Fifling Sea on the Red Coast. An army has come through the mist and is attacking the land.”

“The mist? There are no lands beyond the mist! There cannot be any army attacking the land! You must be mistaken, young sir.”

Tolan rolled his eyes. “If someone could just listen for a moment!”

Two soldiers rushed Tolan, seizing him and putting chains around his wrists. “Unhand me!”

“Tolan!” Jorrel stormed into the dining room. “You are a disgrace! I can’t believe the audacity of your act! We beg your forgiveness, your majesty.”

The King smiled and nodded, turning his attention to his wife, and tickling her under the chin.

“Come, bring Tolan.” Jorrel ordered the guards, and they dragged him from the palace.

They drew across the city streets to the stockade. Tolan was disarmed and tossed in. It was full of straw and was damp; mold clung to its walls.

“Tolan, why do you make me do this?” Jorrel asked. “You struck a palace guard. Now I have to react, and I don’t want to. You’re my friend.”

Tolan grabbed the bars. “If you are my friend, then listen to me! Sooth-Malesh is right! We are all in danger, all of Athora! Our world will fall if we don’t take action!”

“Tolan,” Jorrel half-smiled. “You’ll see, when the next rotation of the Circle Guard return, you can, at last, relax. You’ll see how silly you’re being. Spend one night in the stockade to clear your head. I’ll let you out in the morning.”

“It’s you who will see. Blast you, Jorrel, you’re condemning us all! If we act now, we can avoid our fate! Jorrel!”

The commander of the High Guard would not listen, and disappeared from his sight.

Up high in the black spires, Sooth-Malesh gazed out of the window and into the distance at the black smoke trickling on the horizon. He closed his eyes: a vision of the Grimstone appeared. It was whole again.

Chapter 4

Two soldiers rode back through the lush lands surrounding Bhrungach. Trees were covered with moss, grass grew nearly knee-high, and wild fruit dotted the lands with an array of vivid colors.

The soldiers, singed and battle-scarred, struggled past the natural beauty to the wall that surrounded their home city.

One of the men stopped and spit up some blood; the other took the reins of his horse as soot blew off them into the gentle breeze.

Finally, they reached the city gates. “Hark, let us in, for pity’s sake, we beg you!”

There was some resistance. The gate remained closed.

“Please! The men have fallen! A very powerful army draws toward Bhrungach unlike any man has ever seen.”

Olani peered out of her chamber window. She heard the men’s cries even from across the courtyards and citadels. She rushed from her room.

The gates opened, and the men stumbled in.

A host of physicians and guards hurried to the men. Olani entered the courtyard with Nachin directly behind her.

Both men collapsed. Olani’s heart broke. She drew to the men and bent at their heads. “I am sorry for your horror. Can you tell us what happened?”

“Oh, m’lady. Forgive us. Forgive us for fleeing!”

“You deserted your post?” Nachin asked, shocked.

“Forgive us, they are demon spawn!” The soldier put his face in his hands.

“You left Farnus-Tan to his death!” Nachin roared.

Olani stood and glowered at Nachin. “Nachin, let them speak. They are terrified.”

“This army could not be stopped; it devoured us… we never even stood a chance. Dark magic and fire rained down on us. Weapons we have never seen in all of Athora melted flesh and shattered bones. They are otherworldly. Spirits… spirits fought with them.”

“Spirits?” Olani was both frightened and intrigued. She turned to Nachin. “Call the council, they must be told. I must act now to save our people!”

“M’lady, it is nearly dark. The council has retired for the day. They will not be happy with…”

“Call them, please. Our people are in grave danger.”

“I think we do not know the true weight of this danger.”

“I will meet them at the drawing table, please send word.” Olani turned back to the soldiers and oversaw their treatment, concern in her heart, tears welling in

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