Play With Fire - Sheridan Anne Page 0,96

We sway together, both of us needing the silence right now. “I will always fight for you and for our family. As long as I’ve got you and this to come home to,” I murmur, indicating around the nursery, “Then everything else is just noise. I don’t need anything else in this world if I know I have this, all this right here with you.”

“Us against the world?” she whispers. “I like the sound of that.”

The shrill sound of my phone breaks our perfect peace, and I instantly know, deep in my gut, that something bad can only come from answering this call.

Both of us still, holding on tight to the other, not ready to let go, protecting and preparing for what’s about to come. I know it’s not Mom; I spoke to her earlier. The boys know I need space, so it’s not them either.

Just as the thoughts go through my head, the phone stops ringing.


Sliding my hands around the side of Amelia’s face, I give her a soft kiss on her lips just as the phone starts ringing again. “Fuck,” I groan. “I left my phone in the kitchen. I better go see who it is.”

Amelia nods, reluctantly letting me go, and I make my way through to the kitchen. I reach for my phone on the counter when I notice the call is from a number I don’t recognize. Instant dread fills my veins.

Fuck, I feel like I’m going to be sick. There’s no one else it could be. It has to be the hospital.

“Hello?” I rush out, slamming the phone to my ear after accepting the call.

“Hello, this is Karen Williams calling from Avalon Lake Hospital. May I speak to Sebastian Stone?”

“That’s me. How can I help you?”

“Excellent. Look, we’re calling regarding your wife, Jessa King, who was admitted into emergency yesterday evening.”

“She’s not my wife, but yes, she was admitted yesterday. Why? Is everything okay with the baby?” I question, feeling myself starting to panic

“That’s why I’m calling, Sir. You have been listed as an emergency contact for Miss King and as the child’s father. We need you to get down to the hospital ... it's urgent. Jessa's being prepped for an emergency cesarean as we speak, the baby's heartbeat is weak.”

I turn frantically going for the last place I remember putting my keys, feeling my anxiety rising. They’re not where I left them. Where the fuck are they?

I turn to go in search of Amelia. She will know what to do. She always knows what to do. Hell, maybe she knows where I put my damn keys, but when I turn and find her standing right behind me, the keys are already in her hands.

I grab them with a grateful smile before shoving them deep into my pocket. I snap out of my panic before realizing the nurse is still on the line. “I'm on my way,” I cut off whatever it is she’s saying.

My hand falls to my side as I squeeze my phone tightly. I can feel my chest rapidly rising and falling, I feel completely helpless, and I don’t know what I’m doing.

There’s a look of panic on Amelia’s face. “Was that the hospital? What did they say?” she questions, her voice rising higher and higher the more she speaks.

“They’re taking Jessa in for an emergency cesarean. Something about heart rates and the baby being in distress. I don’t fucking know, Angel, but I have to get to the hospital.”

“Do you need me to come with you? You look like you're about to hit the floor.”

Hesitating, unsure of what to do, I run my fingers through my hair while trying to get a grip on myself. Coming to a decision, I tell her, “Of course, I fucking do. Grab your shit. Let’s go.”

“Okay. Here’s your wallet.” Amelia turns slightly, picking it up and slapping it down into the palm of my hand. “You’ve got the phone. Let’s go.”

She rushes past me, out the front door, and down the steps before I realize I’m still standing in the same place. Sliding my wallet into the front of my jeans, I follow my woman out the door. “You better slow down, woman, or you’ll be wearing my handprint on that beautiful ass of yours.”

“Yeah, yeah. Promises, promises.”



I come tearing through the hospital doors with Amelia on my six.

Hearing that nurse’s voice coming through the line, telling me that they were going to deliver the baby early is one thing, but hearing that Copyright 2016 - 2024