Play With Fire - Sheridan Anne Page 0,78


“Shit. Are you serious?” I gasp, pushing myself up off him so that I can look down at his face. “Is she alright?”

Bull shrugs his shoulders. “Don’t know. Chief was still at the hospital with Jessa when they came in. He said she looked pretty banged up and would have probably gone into emergency surgery. Apparently, Ax looked a bit rough about it all.”

My brows draw down. “How do you mean?”

“He went in and waited. He never does that. His motto is ‘don’t get attached.’ Out of the four of us, he’s the one who can shut off his emotions the best. Ax never lets one of the victims have an effect on him, and the fact that he went in and waited to hear how she was doing, that’s a big fucking deal.”

“Well, shit,” I breathe. “Maybe he felt guilty. If he’d given her the time of day at the bar, perhaps she wouldn’t have been driving when she was.”

“Who knows? But one thing is for sure, last night when I first saw her, I thought she looked familiar, but I couldn’t place where I knew her from. It all makes sense now.”

I shake my head, not knowing where the hell he’s going with this. “You’ve lost me,” I tell him.

“You know how all those bikers left the bar last night?” I nod, waiting for him to continue. “They were going after the girl. She’s one of theirs. It’s been years since I’ve seen her, which is why I didn’t recognize her straight away, but she’s like club royalty and pretty close with my stepdad and Tanner. Chief said they all attended the crash to help free her, and then crowded the waiting room, waiting to hear how she was doing.”

“Really?” I ask, a little more interested than I should be. To be quite honest, the whole Black Widows Motorcycle Cub scares the crap out of me. They’re a bunch of really rough dudes who are willing to do just about anything to get what they want. I’ve read up on plenty of romance books all including motorcycle clubs. And as thrilling as it sounds to be one of their girls, I can’t possibly imagine how scary that life would be. I’m so glad Bull never followed his stepdad and brother into that life.

But being someone they see as worth protecting … well, she must be able to get away with murder. She’d be one hell of an interesting chick with all sorts of thrilling and terrifying stories to tell. It’s a shame that she’s been involved in this situation. Though, something tells me that the men of her MC won’t let the person who did this get away with it, even if it was just an accident.

Bull nods before rolling us again and hovering above me. “What are your plans for the day?”

I smile up at him. “Bryce is dropping the girls off around ten, so I have to get home for that, but apart from that, absolutely nothing.”

“So, you don’t mind if I tag along and crash your day? My mom’s been with Ashlee all week, so I was thinking we could grab the girls, pick up Ashlee, and head out for a day at the park and ice cream.”

I smile wide as I raise my head off the pillow and give him the softest kiss. “I couldn’t think of anything better,” I tell him, “But you’ll have to watch out. Ryan is going to be jealous when she realizes that you have another little girl in your life.”

“Trust me, there’s no escaping Ashlee’s charms. Those two are going to love each other so much they’ll both forget who the hell I am.”

I shake my head. “That’s not possible.”

Bull laughs as he pushes up off the bed and drags me along by my ankle. “Come on,” he says with a wicked sparkle hitting his eyes. “Shower time.”

I can’t help but laugh as he drags me right to the edge of the bed before grabbing me and hauling me over his shoulder. “Put me down,” I screech, knowing damn well that he’s about to throw me in the shower, making sure to put the cold water on first.

Bull acts as though not a damn word has come out of my mouth and happily tosses me in the shower, cold water and all, chuckling to himself as he watches me dive out from under the freezing spray.

We get ourselves showered and dressed, and before I know it, we’re making Copyright 2016 - 2024