Play With Fire - Sheridan Anne Page 0,77

a few favors.”

I’ve never been so fucking grateful. “Thanks, man,” I say, feeling a wave of relief wash over me. But I can't silence the fear within that tells me Jessa is going to fuck up this child’s life before he or she has even had a chance to be born into the world.

Chief drags Jessa away, kicking and screaming, and I’m thankful for the staff at the bar who mind their own goddamn business.

Amelia turns in my arms and looks up at me as I rub my hands up and down her back, trying to find comfort in her. “So, I guess dirty sex behind the bar is off the cards?”

And just like that, everything is fucking right in the world.

I grin down at her. “Not a chance.”

Her hand slips into mine, and I’m two seconds from racing her ass out the back doors of this bar and giving it to her up against the timber fence lining the alleyway when Ax’s pager blares to life.

He reaches for his belt buckle and glances down. “Well, fuck,” he sighs. “I guess that’s all the fun I’m going to have tonight.”

With that, he throws down what’s left of his drink, pats his pocket, double-checking that he has his keys, wallet, and phone, and is out the door in a flash.

Not two seconds later, nearly every biker in the bar gets up and storms out the door, leaving the bar near empty as the roar of their Harleys shake the foundations of the bar, and most likely the whole of Avalon Lake.



I wake with a groan as the early morning sun shines through the window. Bull’s arm tightens around my waist, and I sink back into him. What a crazy, fucked-up night. I probably shouldn’t have drunk quite so much, but what can I say? I had a good time.

All except the part when Jessa was attempting to drown her unborn baby in tequila.

Bull murmurs a good morning, and I roll in his arms before climbing up onto his waist. He sure as hell gave me my dirty sex behind the bar and gave me even more when we got back to his place. But that doesn’t stop him from sliding straight inside me and giving me the wake-up call I’m so desperately craving.

I rock my hips back and forth as I slowly take what I need and groan out his name as he lets me take it. Bull’s hands take my waist as he goes along for the ride, content to just let me do my thing, that is until he can’t help himself.

I squeal out in surprise as Bull rolls us until he has both my wrists above my head, held firmly in one hand while his other hand rests at my hip, and he slams into me over and over again.

I come instantly, screaming out his name as he gives me all he’s got.

Bull collapses down on top of me, releasing my wrists as he goes. My arms curl around his back, and I hold him to me as we catch our breath. “How is it so good with you?” I breathe, closing my eyes as the satisfaction is almost too much.

He shakes his head as he rolls us again, putting me back on top. “I don’t know, Angel, but with you, it’s fucking mind-blowing.”

I smile to myself as I rest my head against his chest, but the moment is gone as Bull’s phone starts screeching on the bedside table. Bull sighs as he reaches over to silence it, but then see’s Chiefs name flashing on the screen. “Shit. I should take that,” he murmurs as he rips the phone off the charger.

Bull falls back to the bed with his phone to his ear and me still firmly in his arms. I close my eyes as I feel the vibrations of his conversation through his chest and find myself falling back into a sex-induced sleep as he talks.

I’m jostled awake as he ends the call and throws the phone down on the bed beside him. “Everything alright?” I murmur as I slide my hand up his chest and splay my fingers out, wanting to claim as much skin as humanly possible.

“Yeah, I think,” Bull says, thoughtful. “Chief was just telling me about that emergency that Ax was called out to last night. It was a major car accident, and apparently, the chick involved was the one hitting on him at the bar. I’m pretty sure her name was Copyright 2016 - 2024