Play With Fire - Sheridan Anne Page 0,48

to even answer him. But if he keeps going, I’ll find the fucking energy to punch him.

“What?” his eyes pop out of his head as he looks between all of us. “Aww, come on. You can’t tell me that you’re not all thinking it?”

“Fuck off, Jet,” I grumble, feeling myself starting to get frustrated.

Chief murmurs towards the back seat while keeping his eyes on the road ahead. “Ten minutes, man. Just ten minutes of you not talking will make my fucking day.”

“You’re all crazy.” Jet circles his finger around the side of his head. “It’s fucking annoying how much he’s been checking his phone over the past two weeks, texting his woman.”

Despite how frustrating Jet’s been since the start of our shift, I can’t help but like the way the words ‘his woman’ sounded, but then he has to go and open his mouth again. “Kids, man. Are you sure you’ve thought this through? You had the perfect arrangement with Jessa. Why change it? Jessa is fucking crazy; I know she’s a hot fuck in the sack.” He keeps on going, getting more animated as he goes. “Trust me, I’ve had my fair share of crazy, and that girl is bat shit fucking crazy. She’s a serious stage five clinger, man.”

My brows pull down. Are we talking about the same chick? “No, she’s not. Jessa’s cool. We both wanted convenience, and that’s it. Nothing more. She knew that. I don’t even remember the last time I spoke to her, but what does it matter? We’re done.”

“Does she know that?” Chief grumbles with a smirk playing on his lips.


“Jessa? Does she know you’re done?”

“No,” I say, not understanding what the big deal is and where he’s going with this. “I don’t owe her a conversation. It was get in and get out. She knows that.” I shake my head, looking back down at my phone, checking to see if my mom has texted back, putting an end to the conversation. After all, nothing further needs to be said on the matter.

My brother, Tanner, and my stepdad rode out this morning on a run. I don’t know yet if I’ll have to help out with my niece and have one extra child for the weekend away, but that’s something that doesn’t need to be shared yet.

I tune out the comments from the dickhead sitting behind me—who obviously doesn’t agree—before snapping my head back up. I look at Chief, then turn my glare on Jet. “Fuck you. Jokes or not, I don’t want to hear it. Besides, like any of you fuckers can talk,” I say, specifically looking at my best friend and boss. Chief had one woman. A one-night stand that he can’t seem to get over. He was drunk and lied to her, giving her a different name. He told her he was from out of town, and by the time he had woken up the next morning, she was gone. He’s still pissed at himself for that. She blew his mind in a way he wasn’t expecting.

Just as we turn in to the fire station, I say, “You guys will understand when you meet her properly this weekend. She’s it for me. I don’t know what it is about her, and before you tell me that I’m losing my mind, I already know I’m fucking crazy. She makes me crazy, but I’ve never felt like this before.” I growl in frustration, running my fingers through my hair and pulling at the ends before reaching for the door and swinging it wide. “Just be nice.”

With that, I jump down from the truck and tell them about Tanner leaving on club business and how we might have Ashlee with us as well. Done with the conversation, I head straight for my bunk to find all my shit.

Before I know it, I’m back at my truck, throwing it all into the cab while telling the boys goodbye as they all do the same. Except for Jet, of course. He insists on flipping me off first and gets himself a well-deserved ‘fuck you’ in return.

Jumping into my truck, I kick the engine over and quickly throw it into gear, looking down at the clock and making sure I still have enough time. Seeing I have forty-five minutes until lunch, I flick the indicator left and head straight into town.

I’ve got a surprise for Ryan, and I hope she loves it. A hot pink motorbike with training wheels. Amelia doesn’t know I’ve bought it yet, Copyright 2016 - 2024