Play With Fire - Sheridan Anne Page 0,47

That’s not the deal. You saved us from the locked door, it’s the least I can do.”

“Sorry, Angel. It’s not going to happen.”

She shakes her head, stepping out of my arms and grinning like a Cheshire cat. “Too bad, then, I guess dinner can’t happen,” she says, teasing me with those sparkling eyes. “I’m just going to have to go home and make my own.”

“Babe,” I groan, watching her walk away, feeling her take my whole heart with her.

Her hips sway from side to side as she reaches her car door and glances back over her shoulder. I realize that without a doubt, I am already starting to fall hard. “Good night, Bull,” she sings, a soft chuckle in her tone, making me want to grab her and kiss her until we can’t breathe. “Maybe that ego of yours might take a night off when I see you again.”


Amelia laughs, shaking her head. Then just like that, the girls disappear inside her car and take off down the road, as safe as can be, leaving me standing alone in the street, begging for so much more.



“Knock it off,” I growl as something hits the back of my head, snapping me out of my thoughts. I can’t stop thinking about everything I have to do before Amelia and the girls get to my place, but more so, I can’t stop thinking about the past two weeks at all.

We’re on our way back to the fire station after finishing a fire demonstration at the elementary school, and if all goes to plan and the tones don’t drop between then and now, we’ll be ending our shift and heading home.

Forty-eight hours straight with these assholes and I’m running on adrenaline.

Tonight, we’re all heading to the property the boys and I own together for a long weekend. We bought it a few years ago and threw in all of our savings. When we first purchased it, it was nothing special; just an empty block of land sitting along the lake. It had been up for sale for a while before we got our hands on it. At first, we camped, and over the years we’ve built our own cabins, and they’re fucking beautiful. I can’t wait to get Amelia up there and show it off.

I built a log style cabin from scratch. In fact, we all did. It’s an open floor plan with two bedrooms and a bathroom off the main living room. Then to finish it off, I built a small deck out front overlooking the lake. My cabin sits at the end of the other three nestled in closer to the pine trees.

It’s only a two-hour drive from home, so we try to head up there as much as possible, but with work, sometimes getting there is a lot harder than it sounds.

The weather isn’t warm enough to take the boat out, but we all have dirt bikes sitting in the shed ready to go. It’s usually just us boys that go, team bonding, and all that shit. But this weekend, I’m bringing the girls along with me.

Just thinking about the girls and how much fun they’re going to have brings a smile to my face. Amelia suggested we go up tonight. That way, the girls could sleep in my truck and be put straight to bed once we get there, so then we can make the most of tomorrow.

I frown at the dickhead in the back of the truck. “What’s your problem?” I ask Jet, tossing the phone into the cup holder next to me and crossing my arms over my chest.

“You. You’re my problem,” he says, snapping at me for the hundredth time today. “What’s happening to you, man? You’re so fucking pussy whipped,” he laughs to himself, earning a good chuckle out of the other guys.

He thinks he’s hilarious. He’s obviously delirious.

Just as the words leave his mouth, I hear Ax smacking him across the back of his head. “The fuck is wrong with you?” Ax says, exasperated. We’re all fucking exhausted and running on fumes.

Ever since I told him I was bringing the girls away this weekend, Jet’s been pissed. And not just a little moody pissed, but full-blown, can’t keep his shit together pissed.

“If I can’t tell you, no one else will,” Jet says as he leans forward and rests his arms across the back of the front seat.

I nudge him straight off. I don’t need him any closer to me. No one has the energy Copyright 2016 - 2024