Pistol Whipped - Ashley Bostock Page 0,48

him to stay, tell him she wanted more of what was going on between them—but she didn’t. She didn’t want to scare him or make him feel bad for leaving. This would be a huge step for Logan’s career and who was she to mess that up? Couple that with her confession of what she’d kept from him for so long, it had been full of heated desire and heartbreak. The look in his eyes, because he insisted the lights stay on the whole night, told her he was right there with her in thought. Her intuition told her they were on the same plane of wanting and needing each other, but it was pointless to bring any of that up, now. Especially since she’d ruined their last night together with her confession. It hadn’t been the right moment, but she had run out of time.

She’d gone to the shooting range a few times, hoping the pull of the trigger and the smell of gunpowder would ease her heart but it hadn’t helped. It had only made her reminisce about the last time she had come with Logan and she’d shown him how to angle the gun in order to hit the target properly. Needless to say, she had still been a better shot than him.

All of her friends knew about her and Logan’s short affair now, thanks to Brandi and each one of them had tried comforting her in a variety of ways. Marilyn had invited her to her Wednesday night book club. Which she’d made a point to go but it hadn’t helped cheer her up.

Amber had spent hours inside Lolita trying on almost every item from Gabriella’s new line she had ordered—Possessive—and typical Amber, loved everything and had bought all she could carry. Gabriella had her to thank for a lot of sales. Amber was a sucker for lace, tulle, buckles and satin.

Then of course, Brandi had made it her mission to bring her brood of children in every day after school to cheer Gabbie up. Ironically, the kids had helped. Drew, Deanna, Dylan and Dakota Kingston, aged eleven, nine, six and four, respectively. She’d had a spare table she wasn’t going to use in the store and had let them paint it the afternoon they’d come to visit. What was the saying? Children were good for the soul? Logan would have been so proud if he could have seen her with the kids. She’d been patient and helping, she hadn’t even freaked out when Dakota had spilled the paint in the back room along the carpet. She’d been good with the kids. She had felt good being around them as much as she didn’t think that was possible. Usually, spending an hour or so with anyone’s kids was the maximum for her. But out of everyone’s good intentions, there was only one thing she wanted.


She wanted him to cheer her up, to make her have multiple orgasms over and over the way he had before. She wanted to smell his sandalwood scent and listen to him talk about work. She wanted him to see her with the Kingston kids and be proud of her. She wanted him to be there with her while she had unloaded her Possessive shipment and played with all the silky fabrics.

God, she missed him.

She was hopeless.

Lolita’s had been busy today and she had stayed well after closing to get things in order. The new line had sold well, even excluding Amber’s small fortune of purchases the other day. She placed an online order for more items and shut things down to head home. She was exhausted. Tired from work and still mopey from Logan’s absence. She pulled into her condo parking lot and realized she had forgotten her phone at work. Shoot. She knew exactly where it was, too. Sitting in the back room on the counter where she always plugged it in so she could play music through the store speakers.

Could it stay put until tomorrow? Yes. But what if Logan called or texted her? It happened so sporadically she didn’t want to take a chance she would miss his call. Although it was almost midnight on the East Coast, he was known to be a night owl. Yeah, she better go back and get it. Maybe she would text him tonight. Tell him how much she was missing him. Even though it had been less than a month, had he moved on from her? Was there someone at his

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