Pistol Whipped - Ashley Bostock Page 0,47

sleeping with secretly?”

She didn’t like making him upset. Or hurt. “Don’t insinuate that I slept with more people than you knew about! You’re being mean by saying that. It was Jed, okay? The last guy I ever slept with before you. And you know what else?” He stared at her, waiting. “You and I don’t just fuck, okay?”

He laughed without humor. “What do you think we’ve been doing? Making love?”

Yes. She didn’t say it, but she knew he could read her answer all over her face.

“No, Gabriella. Don’t go there, don’t even think about it. I leave tomorrow and you just dropped a bombshell of shit on me. In fact, I should probably just go tonight.”

He started to get up, but she stopped him by crawling over on top of him. “Please don’t leave me. Not like this. You have every right to be mad and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you when I was going through it. I was scared you would think badly about me and I couldn’t bear the thought of that. Look, I know you’re mad, but please just stay the rest of the night with me. This is all we have. Tonight is all we have.” She swallowed the lump in her throat, hoping he wouldn’t find this as the perfect time to read her thoughts.

She watched him contemplate if he should leave or stay. Thank God, a part of him was still thinking he should stay. She would take that. Realizing she was straddling him, completely naked, she could feel the ridged outline of his cock against her bottom.

She looked down between her spread legs.

“No, Gabbie. That’s just…I can’t control that, okay? I’m still mad you didn’t trust me enough to tell me. God, this fucking explains a lot of things about you, you know?” he said sarcastically. “You thinking you would be like your mom. Your aversion to sex and the whole trust thing about not getting pregnant. This isn’t over. I want to stay the rest of the night. I want to savor our last night together without a fight. As mad as you’re making me right now, there is nowhere I would rather be.”

Gabriella was thankful for that. She did the only thing she could think to do that might help ease his anger. She grabbed another condom and rolled it on his erection. Then, she lifted herself, so she was kneeling above him and in one swift movement, he was buried deep inside her, and she was riding him like she had never ridden any man before.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Logan had been gone for approximately twenty-three days and counting. She’d spoken to him twice since he’d left—too busy, he’d complained—to call her more than that. And he was probably still hurt. Even though he would never admit more than he had, she surmised he was still bent about being left out in the cold. Then, even when they did talk, it was short, sweet and a little awkward because she wanted to tell him so many things.

She wanted to dissect their non-relationship relationship, wanted to know what his feelings about her were, wanted to ask him if he missed her as much as she missed him. She’d been so worried about what he would think about her big secret; once she told him he hadn’t even seemed surprised she had wound up pregnant—just surprised she never told him.

She was dying to know if he was okay with moving away and being done with her? Didn’t he want more, like she did? Or even if he did want more, would he ever tell her? Because honestly, when you lived so far away, what good would come from that? She was invested here in Windsor, she had her store and she’d wanted this dream for such a long time that she couldn’t—wouldn’t—change it.

She’d lost her appetite for food and her lack of sleep was messing with her brain and if that wasn’t enough, she had lost her keys to Lolita’s and had to call a locksmith to let her back into the store and re-key the doors. She hadn’t been herself and she knew what the direct cause was…or at least who.

He’d spent the night with her his last night in town and it had been bittersweet. Neither of them revealed any feelings toward each other even though she got the feeling that more could have been said between them. She, for one, knew there was so much she wanted to say to him—beg

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