Pistol Whipped - Ashley Bostock Page 0,31

to me. I know when you’re lying to me. Where do you want to go first?”

“Let’s walk down by the train station and see what’s around. We could always catch a train to somewhere.”

As they walked, Gabbie could feel the tension radiating from Logan. She wished he would just speak. Tell her about his decision.

“I have this handy booklet the front desk gave me. Do you want to sit on this bench and look through it really quick?”

They both sat down and Logan began thumbing through the booklet. He would read aloud anything sounding remotely interesting or anything he thought Gabbie might want to try. As they sat on the bench, Gabbie had no problem getting sidetracked watching the massive amounts of traffic weaving in and out, and how no one used their horns. It was calm chaos. Black taxies were everywhere. People would cross the street in droves heading to and from the train station. Logan pointed out one thing he wanted to see, and they agreed to get up early in the morning and go to the world-famous Tsukiji Market where people could buy tons of fresh meat and fish.

“But that still leaves us with today. See anything you like?”

“Let’s walk to here.” She pointed to the map. “We could visit the temple and then find some Ramen noodles to eat.”

“Whatever the lady would like.”

He stuck the brochures in his pocket, and they started off, crossing the street and heading through the train station in order to get to the temple. “Listen, Cinderella, I’m sorry about earlier with Hiroshi. I didn’t want to spoil our trip by discussing my decision.”

“Have you made a decision, Logan?” She hated how she could hear the own hurt in her voice.

“I have. I’m going to move. It’s going to be a huge process. This is only if my father will accept my offer. I’m not comfortable with him giving me the company and any of the clients that will stay onboard. I’m sorry. I should have mentioned this sooner. Perhaps while we were flying over.”

She stayed silent. She didn’t know what to say.

He stopped, grabbed her arm and faced her. “You’re mad at me, aren’t you?”

Tears started welling up in her eyes. “No,” she shook her head. “I’m not mad.”

“You’re going to cry. Don’t cry, just tell me what’s wrong.”

How could she explain every single emotion she was feeling when she wasn’t sure what every single one was? “I’m hurt you didn’t tell me, but I’m crying because you will be moving away. Away from me. Like, you’re just…leaving me.”

Her tears spilled over and Logan reached for her. Right there in the middle of Shinagawa Station, he pulled her into his warm embrace and comforted her. People flooded out from the turnstiles, swarming around them as she cried in his arms. The carousal music sounded every few minutes signaling a stopping train somewhere near them. The announcer continued to boom through the loudspeakers, indicting which trains were approaching, while Logan whispered and begged for her not to cry.

“I’m sorry, Gabriella. This is the most difficult decision I’ve ever made in my life and trust me, you have been a big part of my indecision.”

She looked up into his eyes. She could see his tormented expression and the hurt she’d caused him by telling him her feelings. “I am? I was?”

“Hell, yeah. You know me better than anyone and we’ve been friends for a long time. I don’t want to ruin our friendship, Gabriella. You and I both know there’s something—I don’t know what it is or why it’s happening—but something is changing between us. You can’t deny the tension that’s been surrounding us lately. Can you?”

He’d felt it, too. Was this really happening? Miles away from home, where she had nowhere to run and hide from Logan. At least at home, she could hide behind her store, pretend she was asleep at home, but here, with him sharing the same bed with her—she couldn’t hide.

And she knew Logan and knew he would want answers. He would expect answers. What could she say? She could deny what he just said and tell him he was wrong. But... he could see behind her lies, even though she tried to, sometimes. Yes, she has been feeling something weird going on between them. Even though she has been extremely confused about it and has for the most part, successfully blocked it out of her mind.

A few instances flashed through her mind as Logan stared into her

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