Pistol Whipped - Ashley Bostock Page 0,30

He could make the decision on his own—In fact, he had. He was going to work for Jack, and he would eventually take over REEVES.

Under his own terms, though. His plan wasn’t exactly solid yet…but he had a plan. Now he needed to decide if he should go along with Hiroshi or tell him the straight-up truth. He opted for somewhere in the middle.

“Hiroshi, I will most likely move to New York. But it will have to be under my terms. I do not feel it is right to have everything handed to me at such a successful corporation and I have done nothing to deserve it. However, I am glad I came to Japan. I look forward to meeting your family. Gabriella is looking forward to riding the Bullet Train to Kyoto.”

“Ah, yes. The Shinkansen will get you to Kyoto in approximately two hours, yes?”

“Yes. It will be quite the experience.”

The men discussed business for a little while longer, mostly discussing how Jack and Hiroshi had become great friends. Logan finished off his hot lemonade and out of the corner of his eye, saw Gabriella walking toward them. He set his drink down and pushed back his chair, standing, he motioned to Gabriella. “Here she is now.”

“Hi. I hope I’m not interrupting.” Gabriella smiled and shrugged her shoulders. She had changed into a white pantsuit that covered her from head to toe. She looked amazing.

“Not at all. In fact, Hiroshi was just asking about you. Hiroshi, meet Gabriella.”

“Gabriella, you are as beautiful as Logan has said. It is a pleasure to meet you.”

“Thank you! It is so nice to meet you as well.”

“Logan was just telling me how he is going to work for his father.”


The news obviously took Gabbie by surprise, but only Logan could tell. She raised her eyebrows at Logan, trying as hard as she could not to look hurt. Ah, the burden of knowing someone so well. Fuck.

“Is that so? He was still on the fence the last I heard.”

“It seems Japan has helped him come to his senses.” Hiroshi laughed, obviously delighted by the fact.

“Now, Hiroshi,” he eyed Gabriella, “that’s not exactly what I told him, Gabbie.”

“Well…it’s fine. It’s your decision, right? Only you can decide what is best for you. I’ve told you that over and over.”

Hiroshi excused himself to take a phone call, leaving Logan and Gabbie alone. “Look, I was going to tell you. I have a whole plan I want to run by you and see what you think. Don’t be hurt.”

“I’m not hurt. I’m happy for you…really.”

Was she really trying to lie to him? He could hear the hurt in her voice although she tried to sound happy. It was her fake voice. When something was bothering her and she didn’t want to tell him what it was, she sounded much like she was sounding now.

“Let’s talk later. Let me say bye to Hiroshi. Our meeting is over.”

Logan watched Gabriella’s shoulders half-slumped as she walked away from Logan, out into the lobby to wait. Damn it, Hiroshi. Nice of him to take it upon himself to tell Gabriella about Logan’s decision. All he could do now was make sure Gabriella knew his half-formulated plan and understood his decision.

Chapter Seventeen

Gabriella knew what she was being selfish. Logan moving? All the way to New York? Her stomach ached thinking about it. When Hiroshi told her that, she thought he was joking but when Logan didn’t deny it, she felt like she wanted to run and hide. Pout like a baby. She didn’t want to feel this way, she did want Logan to be happy…it was harder than she thought to hear the actual words out loud.

Logan was going to move to New York.

It was like she felt a sense of…jealousy maybe…she couldn’t exactly name all of the emotions she was feeling. She was a bit hurt because he hadn’t yet chosen to say anything to her. She was already starting to feel…left behind! And he hadn’t even gone anywhere yet.

This was ridiculous.

Logan’s decision wasn’t all about her. It was about him and what was best for his life. They’d been so close to one another it was easy for her to get caught up in his life being their life.

“Let’s go explore, Cinderella, and discuss our future.” Logan had snuck up behind her and squeezed her shoulders. “Don’t be so depressed.”

“I’m not,” she lied.

He held the door open for her and as she passed, he playfully swatted her ass. “Don’t lie

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