Pieces of Truth - By Angela Richardson Page 0,56

said, trying to cut in. I didn’t want him to take the blame for everything. We both fought and said things we shouldn’t have. I hadn’t been the best girlfriend after all. I couldn’t let him have all this guilt. It was a joint effort.

“No, Norah. I need to finish what I want to say. There is more I will say to you tonight, but I want to say this right now.” He stopped and took a deep breath. “Loving you has opened my eyes in more ways than one. I understand now that feeling you get when the future doesn’t feel scary any more. It’s because when you have the person you are meant to be with, inside your heart, and holding your hand, the unknown is filled with excited anticipation, not fear. You make my soul ache in the best kind of way. The electric and addictive blend of courage, desire and amore. It tells me that I cannot, and will not, let you go.”

I could only stare back, processing his declaration. I knew what he was really saying, what he was going to ask tonight. This was the prelude to the evening, and I needed to decide what my answer would be. If I was going with what my heart and what it was feeling right now, in this moment, my answer would be yes. I couldn’t imagine my life without those words, his face, and the soft surrender in his approach as he gave himself to me. It was real, it was true, it was devoted and I believed right there and then, that the note meant nothing, and that Clint would never hurt me. His love was possessive, but respectful, genuine and kind.

“Make love to me,” I whispered. I needed to be as close as I could get to Clint and his heart. I needed to know that my decision would be because I felt the same way, and that it wouldn’t be interrupted by any kind of doubt.

Clint’s hands ran down my face as he cemented the look I had given him to memory, and then his hands started to travel down to my chest.

“With pleasure.”

After my first birthday gift, I mean, wake-up from Clint, I showered and walked out into the lounge where Tess was sitting, beaming at me. As soon as I walked out, she ran up to me and flung her body at mine. “Happy birthday Norah!” She gripped onto my back and rocked me back and forth, laughing as she did.

“Thanks,” I grunted back, as she continued to hug me. Everyone was depleting me of oxygen this morning. Clint emerged from the bedroom and went to the kitchen to start making coffee.

“Morning Tess,” Clint said from the kitchen as he watched Tess remain stuck to my body. I could see him laugh a little from the corner of my eye. She finally pulled herself from me and looked over to Clint.

“Hey there. I was just giving your woman some birthday Tess love. I hope you’re not jealous.”

Clint smirked. “Nah, she’s already had some Clint love this morning. You got nothing on that.”

I rolled my eyes. “Really guys. I’m standing right here!”

“Yes you are, birthday girl.” Tess gave me a peck on the cheek and went to the kitchen to fix herself a coffee too.

As I was about to sit down, we heard knocking on the front door. I stood up immediately and looked over at Clint. I swallowed, thinking it was a delivery and the start of another fight which I really didn’t want on my birthday.

“I’ll get it,” Clint said, not sounding phased. He looked at the fear on my face. “It’s OK Norah, it’s not a delivery. The buzzer would have gone off.” He was right, and I felt instant relief but it also meant it could only be one other person.

Clint opened the door and Josh walked in. “Where is my birthday girl?” he said, his eyes searching the room for me. He was wearing jeans and a tight blue T-shirt, and he was holding a bright pink thin box. Clint shut the door and said, “My girl, is over there on the sofa.”

Easy fellas!

Josh walked towards me, a clear look in his eyes. It was a look from years ago; the day we first met. He was smiling but with his eyes as well. Soft, endearing, heartfelt. I smiled warmly back at him as he said, “Happy birthday Norah,” and pulled me into his arms for

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