Pieces of Truth - By Angela Richardson Page 0,55

pointed out. I loved Clint and wanted to defend him.

Leo mouth’s frowned as he gazed at me. “Isn’t it Norah?”

Leo’s eyes looked over to Tess again. “Nice to meet you Tess. Very nice.” Tess held her shoulders back and smiled proudly.

He lifted his hand to us, gesturing good-bye. “See you round Norah. I have to admit, you certainly are memorable.”

His head disappeared down below and I scrambled to get my clothes that were scattered all around the deck of the boat.

Tess stood in the same spot, just watching as I quickly got dressed. She cocked her head to one side, staring at the cabin door Leo had vanished through.

“Clint’s brother seems...nice,” Tess said, her words dripping in sarcasm.

I sighed. I could think of a better word.

Chapter 15

The Gift of Giving

~ ~ ~

I woke up surrounded by rose petals on my bed, and Clint’s mouth on my lips. I tried to speak, but he refused to let me, kissing me over and over again until I had to push him off to catch my breath.

“I still need air to live Clint,” I said, as I tried to roll away from his arms.

“And here I thought you only needed me! Happy birthday my most gorgeous girlfriend!”

Clint was in a terrific mood. There had been no early morning deliveries, which I’m sure helped. He pulled me tighter, his hands now going under my arms tickling me. I started to bend and twist as I tried to avoid his hands that were making me lose all control of my body as I let out moans of laughter.

“STOP,” I squealed. “STOP!” His hands continued to tickle me, sending my body spasming and laughing at the same time.

“On one condition,” he said, trying to sound serious.

“Anything, anything, anything!” I couldn’t take the tickling any more. My body needed to rest from spinning out of control.

“Say yes.”

His gaze was on my eyes as he said it. I stopped moving and froze in his hands. I don’t think he expected me to freeze up like that.

“Say yes to what?” I asked him carefully, as he shifted next to me on the bed. I had stopped laughing, and had become very still as I waited to hear what he was going to say next.

“To picking truth tonight.”

Internally I sighed, and I couldn’t help but smile in relief at him.

“You want me to pick truth. You afraid my dare could get me in trouble?”


I smacked him playfully. “You douche. I’m not a magnet for drama you know; it just manages to find me!”

His eyes softened. “It’s just that it’s your birthday, and I think tonight is going to be a night you’ll never forget. I just want to help you get everything you want.”

“Oh, I’m counting on it lover boy.” I tried to tickle Clint, returning the gesture, but he saw what I was trying to do and quickly moved so I missed grabbing him. He then turned, and somehow, very swiftly and skillfully, turned my body onto my back, pinning down both my wrists as his body hovered above me.

He grinned victoriously. “I win,” he announced.

“Do you really think it would be that easy?” I questioned him. The game wasn’t over yet. I liked this rough and tumble play. It was exciting and fun. I moved my hips so they rubbed up against him. Clint’s eyes began to brighten and turn a dark shade of blue. I felt his grip on my wrists loosen as his mind started to wander, and I used that to my advantage, quickly moving my wrists out of his grip, and putting my hands down his boxers, holding onto his manhood tightly.

Clint’s eyes bulged as he realized that in losing his train of thought, he also lost his power.

“No Clint, I win!” I said, changing my grip from tight, to softly stroking.

“Yes, yes, yes, you win. Oh, how you win. You should always win.”

I giggled as I watched the effect I had on Clint. His eyes were closed as he gave into my touch, enjoying every single sensation. When he opened his eyes, they appeared very focused.

“Norah, you are...the love of my life. I know things have been a bit strained with all these gifts from Samuel and his appearance at the Gala, but I’m sure that it will all be in the past soon, and we will never have to worry about that stuff ever again. I know I’ve blamed you for Samuel’s behavior and I shouldn’t have. It’s not your fault.”

“Clint,” I

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