Pieces of Truth - By Angela Richardson Page 0,10

at the door at this time of morning? Is it the doorman?” I could hear Josh yell from somewhere in his apartment. The blond eyed me up and down once more before yelling back.

“Some chick called Norah. You want me to get rid of her?”

Loud crashing sounds, followed by a thump, and some grunting came from the interior. I flinched at the smashing sounds, and Melanie’s head swung towards the noise erupting from behind the door.

“What the hell Josh! Are you OK? That fall looked really painful.” Her voice had gone up an octave as she viewed the situation in apartment.

There were more grunts and thumps before Josh’s wide green eyes emerged from behind the scantily dressed Playboy bunny.

I don’t know what kind of feeling I had, but when I saw Josh’s big green eyes, I understood why I had a bite to my voice earlier. I felt overwhelming relief to finally see him again, but there was something else I couldn’t quite pinpoint. It was something oddly possessive.

“Norah?” Josh breathed, his mouth twisted, looking to me from behind the girl. There was shock and disorientation all over his face.

“Yes it’s me Josh, your best friend. Are you having a problem remembering that right now?”

Josh was still staring blankly at me when I looked at the door that was still half closed, before clearing my throat.

Josh moved from behind Melanie, taking hold of the door from her grasp and forcing it open wider. “Oh yeah, right, come on in.”

He pushed open the door and I slid past Melanie, pulling in my body so I wouldn’t accidently graze her exposed skin.

Walking in I scanned Josh’s apartment. It was a large loft-style apartment with beautiful floor to ceiling glass windows with long white billowy curtains on the furthest side near the terrace. It had a Parisian feel to the structure and carpentry of the wooden fittings, but Josh had filled it with very modern white decor. Huge satin pillows of various dark colors were also scattered everywhere throughout the room, as well as empty wine glasses and assorted food items and wrappings.

“Did you have a party here last night?” I asked, taking in the mess. I turned to finally look at Josh’s entire appearance as I stood in the disorder that was his swanky loft. Josh was only wearing a very low-rise pair of jeans, which were hanging low enough so I could see he was not wearing anything underneath them. My breath hitched up in my throat as I looked at his bare muscular chest, which if I had to guess, had increased in size over the past couple of months.

Has Josh been working out?

Oh my God - I can’t believe I just said that to myself!

Josh’s chestnut hair was a bit longer than usual because it had started to curl slightly at the ends, and he had that gorgeous shade of stubble I always found so attractive on him. My eyes however, stayed transfixed on those chest muscles that were now all I could see. They were breathing up and down faster than normal. He cocked his head down into my line of sight to get my attention. I hated that I had to tear my look away. It was still lingering on the shape and definition of his abs and chest.

“No, no party. Melanie and I just...” Josh coughed, not finishing the rest of his sentence.

I turned back behind me to look at Melanie, who was leaning up against Josh’s sofa looking at her nails, seeming only mildly interested in our conversation.

“Mel, why don’t you go put some clothes on? I need to talk to Norah.” I could tell Josh was uncomfortable as he shuffled towards Melanie, moving his head toward the direction of the bathroom, hoping she would take the hint.

Melanie rolled her eyes, huffed, and pushed her body off the sofa. As she went to walk towards the bathroom, she stopped and turned back to us. “Sure, I’ll get dressed and go, but I thought we were going to fuck before I leave. Or were the five times last night enough for you? ” She smirked and gave me a bitchy glare as she tried to mark her territory.

Josh squeezed his eyes shut like he had been punched hard in the gut. He swallowed and let out a big gulp of air before opening his eyes again. “Melanie, just go get dressed and leave, please.”

Melanie shrugged her shoulders, and skipped off to the bathroom, no doubt pleased

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