Patriot (Savaged Souls MC #4) - K.J. Dahlen Page 0,3

and asked, ‘Where is the girl?’ Blacky didn’t answer him as the bastard holding him jerked his head up by the hair, Blacky finally said, ‘The Savaged Souls have her. Good luck trying to get to her now.’ “

“Then what happened?” Cobra asked.

“The third man just smiled and nodded at the Warrior. He watched as the other man cut off Blacky’s head. The man didn’t even flinch. When it was done, he just turned and walked away,” Player finished his story. Hesitating he finally asked, “That girl he asked about, you suppose it was Becky? What would a man like that want with Becky?”

“That might be something we have to ask her now, don’t you think?” Cobra suggested.

“Or maybe we can just ask Annie,” Gunner thought out loud. Turning around, he found Annie at her computer and they walked over to her.

When she looked up she was surprised to find them staring at her. Her eyes got wide and she asked, “What’s up guys?”

“The third unknown man at the warehouse made a point of asking Blacky about the girl,” Gunner began. “Could this girl possibly be your sister?”

Annie thought about that for a moment then said, “The only way anyone would be interested in her, would be if he was a buyer?”

“You said the two of you stayed together the whole time after your mom was killed, right?” Cobra reasoned.

Annie glanced over at Harry then back to the men in front of her. “Well, we lived apart for a while I lived in Port Arthur and Becky lived in Beaumont, but we were always talking to one another that’s how I knew she was missing when I hadn’t heard from her for three days, why?”

“Just wondering here. Did something different or unusual happen before then, maybe?” Cobra asked. “Can you think of anything out of the ordinary that happened to her or to you when you were kids?”

“We don’t know who this person is or who he might work for,” Gunner added. “We’re not suggesting that anything is wrong but we need to know more about what’s going on here.”

“Ok, I can understand that, but I really don’t remember anything unusual happening back then. I don’t remember my parents telling me I was going to be a big sister until the day they brought the baby home though. I was about five when suddenly, there she was. I do remember when she came to live with us, my parents fought a lot. My dad would disappear for days on end and my mom would cry and carry on. I was the one who took care of Becky for the longest time.” She shrugged. “But that was our life growing up. I never thought much about it until my dad disappeared altogether.”

“Did your mom look pregnant before Becky came?” Gunner wanted to know.

Annie thought about her answer for a long time. “You know, I really can’t remember. I was only five at the time, and I was scared for most of it.” Annie kind of chuckled a bit. “What does a five year old know about their mom being pregnant?”

“Damn it.” Cobra cursed under his breath. “That’s no help now is it?”

“Wait a minute... you know, now that I think about it, I do remember a rather vicious fight between my parents, it was right after they came home with Becky. I only remember because he handed the baby to my mother then went to take a shower. I remember his clothes being covered in red paint. When she started cursing at him about what he just did, he told her to mind her own business and just take care of the baby.” Shaking her head, Annie continued, “Mom handed the baby off to me and followed him into the bedroom and there was so much screaming and yelling, and then the baby started crying and it was just chaos for a while. When my mom came out of the bedroom, her mouth was bleeding where my dad had hit her. She ignored me and the baby then went to heat up some milk. Becky didn’t like it and it was a miserable night until my mom could go and get some formula. My dad didn’t stick around that night, in fact he didn’t come home for like three days.”

Gunner looked over at Cobra and shook his head. “That doesn’t sound good.”

Annie got to her feet and called out to them, “What does that mean?” she asked in a panic. “What Copyright 2016 - 2024