Patriot (Savaged Souls MC #4) - K.J. Dahlen Page 0,2

eyes, then leaned closer. Brushing his lips over hers, he tasted her for the first time.

With a huge contented sigh, Becky reached out and wrapped her arms around his neck to bring him closer.

The kiss deepened to a degree where the both of them seemed to lose their sanity.

Patriot growled low in his throat as she opened her mouth to him. He wrapped his arms around her and laid on his back pulling her on top of him as they kissed. His hands roamed along her back and he felt the fact that her curves were filling out nicely since she’d gained her weight back. When she finally broke away from him to gulp air into her lungs, his lips slid to her chin and then her neck. His hands roamed down her waist to the globes of her ass and he groaned again as her ass filled his hands. He pulled her tight to him.

Their bodies came together and the friction caused a heat that seared them both.

He pushed up against her and she could feel his hard length. “Oh, my god...” she whimpered.

He was with her right up until she cried out when he hit a sore spot on her shoulder. He opened his eyes and saw her wince and that acted like a bucket of cold water on his lust. “Oh, sweet girl... I’m so sorry. I got carried away. You aren’t ready for this yet.”

She hung her head and tried to move away. “I’m sorry.” Her voice was a soft, breathless whisper. “I’m so stupid. I can’t even do this right.”

Patriot wouldn’t let her go. “No baby girl, this is on me, not you sweetheart. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Really?” She stared at him.

Patriot smiled. “Really. You will heal one day and that’s when I’ll claim you for my own. Until then, I’ll be by your side and I’ll hold you every night.” He grinned. “I might however, steal a kiss every now and then because I can’t help myself. You are becoming an addiction I won’t be giving up anytime soon. I can’t. I’ve had a taste of your sweetness now and I won’t give you up. I can wait until you heal. No sex until that day...Doctor’s orders.”

Becky smiled. “Well, I know that I do want you. I mean just look at you. So sexy. But you are the doctor.” Becky giggled.

“Yes, I am. So sexy patient... go to sleep and get some rest. You need to heal quickly. It’s going to be tough for me, but I am so sure it’ll be worth the wait. For the both of us.” Patriot moved her off him, wrapped her in his arms, and held her close.

“Can I ask you something?” she whispered when he shut off the light.

“Sure, I'm pretty much an open book.”

“What’s your real name?”

Patriot chuckled. “The only name I go by is Patriot. I picked it up in med school when I was in the service. But the name my mama gave me was Aaron Black.”

“Is she still alive?”

“Yeah, she and my dad are still alive. They live over in Waco and he runs a hardware store. He’s about ready to retire and stay home to drive her crazy but I think she can’t wait for that day.”

Becky smiled. “That’s so sweet. I wish my parents had been like that.” After a moment she asked, “Do you have any brothers or sisters?”

“Yeah I got three brothers and they are all a pain in my ass,” Patriot grumbled.

She chuckled. “Have you met my sister? Now that’s one huge pain in the derriere. But I love her to death and I wouldn’t change her one bit.”

Chapter Two

Player walked over to where Cobra and Gunner were standing. He hesitated about approaching them but decided they needed to hear what he had to say. “Hey boss,” he called out to Cobra. “I need you to know something else happened tonight.”

“What ?” Cobra asked as he turned to his man.

Player ran his hands over the back of his head and couldn’t meet his eyes. Finally, he raised his gaze to Cobra then Gunner. “I don’t know if it means anything or not but before the Satan’s Warrior took Blacky’s head, the third man asked him a question. He didn’t speak very loud but where he hid himself was right near me, so I was close enough to hear him but he was in a shadow, so couldn’t see him.”

“What did he ask?” Gunner frowned.

“He caught Blacky’s eyes Copyright 2016 - 2024