The Pass (Smart Jocks #5) - Rebecca Jenshak Page 0,41

witnessing, I should get going.”

“Thanks for coming. It was good to see you. If you can get away again, you know where to find us. I think Benny and a couple of the younger guys are coming up for the Fourth.”

“I appreciate it.” He stands and Sydney does too to hug him. “Take care of him.”

“Always,” she reassures him. When she steps back, she lets her hands fall to his arms at the elbow and squeezes. “Careful driving back.”

By the time I walk Datson out to his truck and come back, Sydney’s poured us each a drink and reheated leftovers.

“I was hungry. Thought you might be, too.”

“Datson and I got lunch.” Dropping on the chair, I eat half of the food anyway before speaking again. “What do you want to do tonight?”

“I assumed you had some elaborate plan. If not, I’m good with just hanging at the house.”

“Oh, I have a plan. I just wanted to make it seem like you had a choice. We can chill here for a bit, but we leave for official date one at seven.”

“Sydney, you look amazing.”

I can see the faint blush of her cheeks even in the dim lighting of the restaurant. “Thank you. This place is incredible. Much better than Jonah’s garage, though, I had fun last night. Best date material. It’s going to be hard to beat it.”

“Oh, ye of little faith.”

“So, what does the official date one entail?”

“You’re looking at it.”

She waits for more. She knows me well.

“There’s a club upstairs. I doubt there’s much action on a Sunday night, but it’s supposed to have the best view of the entire lake.”


My smile is big and immediate. “Boat ride home under the stars.”

“You are pretty good at this planning dates thing for a guy who hasn’t done it before.”

We eat, conversation flows easily, as it always does with us. It doesn’t feel like much of a date at all, mostly, but the unfamiliar excitement in my gut and tingling through my fingertips as I press a hand to her lower back and lead her upstairs is the stuff of first dates that I didn’t realize I was missing out on. Though to be fair, I’m not sure I’d feel this way with anyone but Sydney.

It isn’t like there weren’t good times with Amelia, but Sydney’s right. I let her, and everyone else I dated, run the show. I treated dates almost like they were a reward for putting up with my insane schedule and the hundreds of nights they came over and just chilled because I couldn’t go out because of a practice or game the next day.

That’s my life. In between a fun night out once a week or once every few weeks when things are really busy, is a lot of nights of me going to bed early so I can be at my best. Letting my girlfriends pick the dates felt like the least I could do. Now I have to wonder if I should have been more excited to plan things like I am now.

Seeing Sydney’s face when we get to the balcony on the top floor of this club tells me everything I need to know. One, planning dates for her is fun. Two, I don’t want to go back to relationships where I’m a passive participant. And three, fuck all my good intentions and reasons for holding out.



Tanner grabs me a drink from the bar and we sit on a low sofa on the balcony. It’s a clear night and the moon and stars create a light show on the lake. I lean into him to steal some of his warmth and he pulls me closer.

“It’s amazing up here.” The wind blows my hair around my face and into Tanner’s.

“I’m not sure how you can even see it.” He uses both hands to brush my hair out of my face.

Goose bumps dot my arms as he continues to touch me and look at me like I’m the only other person out here. Something changed over dinner. One minute we were Tanner and Sydney, best friends who want more, and the next we were two people on a first date with insane chemistry ready to rip each other’s clothes off. I can see it on his face. No matter how hard he’s trying to hide it or stick to his five-date plan. He’s breaking.

“Cold?” He rubs my arms from shoulder to wrist.

“I’m okay.”

“Liar. Your nipples are saluting me.” His gaze falls to my chest, as Copyright 2016 - 2024