The Pass (Smart Jocks #5) - Rebecca Jenshak Page 0,40

a date.”

She rolls her eyes and pops another cheese puff in her mouth. “What’s the best date you’ve ever planned?”

“I haven’t.”

“I don’t understand. They couldn’t have all sucked.”

“I’ve never really been on a date like that. Not a real one where I asked a girl out and planned something specifically for her. You know how it is. You make plans with someone and you just sort of show up together at the same place. I’m not counting those.”

“What about Amelia? I thought you guys went to a couple concerts and what about the time you took her to the Diamondbacks game?”

“All her. She planned those or told me she wanted to do them and sent me links with dates and times.”

“She did the work.” As she takes a drink, she nods thoughtfully. Then, still holding the drink up to her mouth, says, “I think I finally figured out what all your ex’s have in common.”

“I’m almost afraid to ask.”

“They made it easy on you. They built a relationship and you were along for the ride.” That stings a little, but she places the cup on the bench and leans in. “I don’t blame you. Your schedule is nuts, and to fit into your life, any girl is going to have to be cool with that, but they each took control so that they never had to wait on you to make a move.”

“I’ve got moves.”

“Hello, ‘Mister I’ve never planned a date before’.”

“There might be a shred of truth to your theory, but that’s all the more reason I want to do it differently with you. I failed to act the first time around, but not now. I’ve got all sorts of plans.”

“All right. I give. Five dates. Real dates that you plan.”

“I’m sorry, did you just forfeit something? Where’s my best friend and what have you done with her?” I knock my knee against hers playfully.

“I don’t need them to know I want something more with you. That hasn’t changed. But I want to be good for you in a way those other girls weren’t. So, if you need this then you can have it. Clear your schedule after date five though.”

Vulnerable, honest, stripped down beyond the bubbly, competitive, fun girl is this other version of Sydney few get to see. She’s terrified of letting people down, afraid of failure and being hurt, but she’s also one of the bravest people I know and loyal as hell. When she sets her mind to something, there’s no stopping her. And she would fight to the death for anyone she cares about.

“You already are good for me.”

The next morning, Datson wakes up at an ungodly hour wanting to take the boat out one last time before he heads back to the farm.

I don’t wake Sydney. We were up most of the night talking. Well, mostly talking.

The lake is still quiet and my buddy is too. I wish I knew what to say to make him feel better about talking with his family. I can’t do it for him any more than he can help me decide, so I do what I can which is drive his ass all around the lake.

We have lunch and then head back so he can get on the road. Sydney is sitting on the patio with a pair of bright green sunglasses that match the smallest bikini I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen some small ones.

My steps falter and I’m almost certain I trip over my tongue like a cartoon character.

“Ah, Syd, you missed a great morning out on the water,” Datson says, apparently impervious to the itsy bitsy teeny weenie, hot-green bikini attached to the hottest woman alive.

“Great and morning don’t belong in the same sentence,” she quips back.

He takes a seat on a chair next to her. I’m still trying to work my feet. She short-circuited whatever part of my brain is responsible for that.

“Look at you two,” Datson says, and I think he must have figured out that something’s different between us. Possibly because I’m staring like a goddamn idiot. “You’ve got fucking matching suits. Aren’t you two the cutest BFFs ever.”

I glance down at my bright green shorts and then back to Sydney. Sure enough.

“These are new. How’d you know?” I ask her.

“I didn’t. I bought this yesterday.”

“Adorbs.” Datson sits forward and claps his hands. “Well, as much as I’d love to third wheel it for another few days, maybe get a glimpse of the hot kisses I keep hearing about but not Copyright 2016 - 2024