OWNED & UNTAMED (Back Down Devil MC #11) - London Casey Page 0,37

it showed the true colors of the prospect. If that were me - or any of my brothers - we wouldn’t have flinched. The reason? If we knew something someone else wanted to know, what would killing us do?

This prospect started to kick and thrash like a damn fool. He screamed so hard the veins in his neck pulsed and looked as thick as the branches of the trees above my head.

He knew something and he would crack.

Jasper put the gun to the prospect’s forehead.

Trev came forward to the play good cop role. He crouched and pushed Jasper’s hand away.

“Listen to me,” Trev said. “You know why we have you. I’m not here to kill you. I just need to ask you a few questions. Okay?”

The guy shook his head.

“The thing is,” Trev said, “if you don’t talk to me, I will kill you.”

With that said, Trev took his gun out.

The prospect flipped shit again.

We all circled around him. Trev stood up. I crouched down.

I grabbed at the tape on his mouth and started to pull. I got halfway and stopped. “If you scream, I will shoot you.”

I ripped the tape all the way. Everyone winced except the prospect. He sat stone like, his eyes dripping with tears. His lips quivered, wanting to scream from the stinging pain of the tape being ripped off his face.

“So let’s talk,” I said.

“I don’t know anything.”

“Yes you do. I saw you. Don’t fuck with me.”

“Answers,” Kye said. “Right fucking now.”

“They’ll know I’m gone,” the prospect said. “They’ll come…”

“No they won’t,” I said. “You’re a useless prospect. So now you get to choose your fate. How you want to go out.”

“Fuck this,” Kye said. He took his gun out and put it to the top of the prospect’s head. “What the fuck were they doing?!”

Kye’s voice boomed through the woods.

“Holy fucking shit,” the prospect yelled. “They were talking a new deal!”

“There you go,” Kye said.

“What kind of deal?” I asked.

“Real estate,” the prospect said. “I know nothing else.”

Kye crouched down and swung his gun, hitting the prospect in the face. His head swiveled and I thought his neck had broken.

I grabbed Kye and wanted to punch him.

Kye nodded to me.

The prospect started to cry. “Land… land…”

“Land?” I asked. “They’re buying land?”


I stood up. So did Kye.

Jasper kept his gun handy, just in case. “What are they using it for?”

“I don’t know that,” the prospect said. “They want to build. A warehouse maybe. A clubhouse or something. I don’t go inside.”

“Why were you on this run?” Trev asked.

“Carlo is out of town. They have extra security because of you guys. I was given a chance.”

“That sucks,” I said. “You fucked up, man.”

“Please,” the prospect said. “You know where it is now. You know everything. Just let me…”

“We know where it is?” Trev asked. “The land?”

“Yes,” the prospect said.

“No we don’t,” I said.

“You said you saw us.”

“Fuck,” I said. “That’s the land?”

The prospect nodded.

Land that was touching Belle’s property. That’s where these fucks wanted to set up shop? My heart pounded in my chest. I wanted to kill this guy myself.

“Shit,” Trev said. “Someone sold Hell Five some land.”

“Whoever it is, they’re fucked,” Jasper said.

“I’m done here,” I said and started to walk away.

I waited at my ride for the guys.

Trev left the woods first. Then Jasper. Before I could ask where Kye was, I heard a single gunshot.

This was my life… this was why Belle needed to stay far away.


I had toyed with calling Belle for hours but I sat at the clubhouse, drinking, trying to clear up my muddled thoughts. The war with the Hell Five was getting deeper. Ivan made a friendly reminder call to Trev about the sixty-five thousand. Jasper, Cade, and Austin were out on a ride to check out a potential run for us that would give us some cash.

I sat outside with a beer, letting the seconds tick by. I kept going back in time and I hated it. Going back to me and Belle together. All those wild nights together. How she had been my best friend’s dorky ass sister and somehow turned into a beautiful woman. Like a flower that bloomed over one summer, she became everything. Even then I held back from her. I protected her from assholes and kept my distance until I couldn’t take it anymore. Hell, maybe I joined up the military and went overseas to give Belle a chance to get away from me. But she didn’t. She was always there, always

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