OWNED & UNTAMED (Back Down Devil MC #11) - London Casey Page 0,36

for anything. That meant I had everything I would need to do a little hunting.

Well, better put: a little catching.


I had my motorcycle on its side in the middle of the road. Shit, if a car or truck came by, I was in big trouble. If the Hell Five ended up sticking together and coming my way, I was in even bigger trouble. This was a one chance thing.

Funny how crazy my day changed in just a few minutes. I had been making out with Belle on her porch and a short time later I was getting ready to cause some serious trouble. I stood with my gun in my hand, dropped back into the brush, hidden.

When I heard the sound of the motorcycle engine in the distance, I tensed up. I loved the thrill of it all. Even if it did bring back some bad shit. My memory tried to churn and normally I could control it, but after seeing Jim…

I heard the sound of the tires crunching the rocks. The bouncing feeling. Looking at the other soldiers I was riding with. Wires dangling from up front, swaying back and forth. Riding through another small town, trying to find out who the fuck was killing people. Looking down at my weapon, knowing that in any given second, all hell could break loose.

Then it did.

The explosion… turning my head to see Jim’s convoy…

The motorcycle engine got louder. I caught myself shaking when I caught sight of the motorcycle.

It was the fucking prospect and nobody else.

He quickly slowed at the sight of my motorcycle on its side. He came to an almost complete stop and looked around. When he turned his head to the left again, I ran out from the woods.

The fucking guy had no chance.

I was there a second later, my arm around his throat, pulling him from the ride. I killed the engine on the motorcycle and let it fall to the road. He tried to scream but my hold was tight. Any tighter and he would have been choked out and died.

I dragged him into the woods where I had the rope waiting. I had a tree already picked out and threw him into it. The son of a bitch quickly turned and tried to punch me. I cracked with a hard right to the jaw and that dropped him for good. I fought with him to sit him up as I tied him to the tree. I then wrapped a few pieces of tape around his mouth and then around his mouth and the tree.

He was secured. Nothing would hear him or see him.

Unless a hungry animal got to him before I could come back with some of the guys.

I dumped his motorcycle off the side of the road and then called Jasper.

“Bro, I have something big,” I said to him.

“Like what?”

“One of the Hell Five prospects. Tied to a tree.”

“Say what?”

“Something big is happening up here. Get up here now. Bring Trev. We can break this guy down and figure out what’s up.”

“Where are you?”

When I told him, he was obviously surprised. When guys like me disappeared for a day or two it was usually on a wicked bender to a few strip clubs or holed up in a hotel with lots of booze and some women. Being up in the mountains really wasn’t our style unless we were all together on a ride or something.

I knew it was only a matter of time before the rest of the Hell Five guys came through the area. And the same could be said for when they got back to their clubhouse to find a prospect missing.

It took all of thirty minutes to meet up with Jasper, Trev, and Kye. I then led the way to the captured prospect up in the woods. We all pulled off the road and walked our motorcycles into the brush to keep ourselves hidden.

Trev took off his sunglasses and looked at the prospect tied to the tree. Then he looked back at me. “Nice work.”

“Very nice work,” Kye said. He patted me on the back. “What were you doing up here?”

“None of your fucking business,” I said. “Focus on the situation.” I pointed to the clearing of land. “They were all up there talking. Hell Five. Guys in suits. Something went down.”

“Let’s find out,” Jasper said.

He wasted no time in taking out his gun. He pointed it right at the prospect. This was a risky move but it paid off because

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