Outlaw - By Nicole James Page 0,25

day, most everyday, with a few blow jobs thrown in between. I kept him happy.” She looked over at Angel, and grinned. “So, lets just say I earned it.”

Angel laughed. “Damn, girl. I won’t argue that.”

Crystal laughed back, and they headed off to the store for Bloody Mary manna.


About mid-afternoon, Cole came back to the room. He walked in carrying a leather jacket and helmet.

“Hey, baby,” he said, tossing them down on the bed.

Angel sat crossed legged in the center of the bed flipping through a hotrod magazine she’d found. Her eyes fell on the items. “What’s that?”

“You’re getting your wish.”

She looked up at him quizzically.

“You’re coming with us,” he clarified.


“The club is riding up there.”

“When?” she asked, laying the magazine aside.

“Now. We should have enough daylight to make it up there before dark. The ride won’t be as cold as the other night. You probably won’t need the jacket, but I’d rather you have it, just in case.”

Angel got up off the bed.

Cole’s eyes slid down her body, taking in the fact that she was dressed in different clothing. She had on low-cut, faded jeans, and a skimpy top that clung to her curves, and showed a couple of inches of her flat stomach. “I see Crystal’s been here.”

She noticed his eyes travel over her, and felt self conscious. Tugging on the hem of the shirt, she admitted, “It’s a little short.”

His eyes skidded past her to the tall glass sitting on the nightstand. It held some kind of red juice, of which only about a half inch remained. He stepped over, and picked it up, sniffing the contents.

Angel watched as his eyes lifted to hers. She had long ago consumed the telltale celery stalk, so she wasn’t sure he could tell right off what it was, so she told him. “Bloody Mary.”

“Where’d you get this?”

“I made it.”

“You made it?”

“Well, I taught Crystal how to make them, and-”

“You taught Crystal?”

Angel studied him, wondering if he was pissed. She heard him murmur more to himself, “I should have known better than to hook you and Crystal up.”

He looked from the glass in his hand, to her, his eyes studying the flush on her face, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “Christ, how many of these have you had?”

“Um. Two,” she admitted, grinning.

“You gonna be able to ride?”

“Yes. I’m fine.”

He set the glass back down, and pulled her to him. His mouth came down on hers, his tongue delving inside. After a moment, he raised his head, and smiled. “Mmm. Delicious.”

She smiled back.

“My baby likes Bloody Mary’s, does she?”

She nodded.

Cole grinned, and released her. He turned without saying anything, and walked into the bathroom. Grabbing a flannel shirt off a hook on the back of the door, he walked back toward her, tossing it at her. “Here. Put this on over that shirt.”

“That bad, huh?”

“No. You look smokin’ hot, babe, but I’d rather not have to fight off the rest of the club.”

She put the shirt on, but left it unbuttoned.

He turned, and dug through the top dresser drawer, pulling out a couple of ammo clips.

Angel watched as he pulled his gun from the shoulder holster under his cut, and checked the load. The clip slid back into place with a smooth, sinister hiss and click.

He shoved the gun back in the holster along with the extra clips, and grabbed an extra pair of glasses off the dresser, tossing them to her. “You ready to roll?”

She caught the glasses, and shoved them up on her head. “I guess so.”

Cole moved to the door, and held it open for her. “Grab your gear, and let’s go.”

Turning, she picked up a lipstick and comb off the bedside table, and jammed them into the pockets of the leather jacket, and followed him.

As they walked past the bar, Crystal raised her Bloody Mary glass, and jiggled it in the air. “Thanks, doll. These are a big hit. The guys love ‘em. I’m starting Bloody Mary Monday.”

Cole looked over at Crystal, and shook his head. He grabbed Angel by the hand, and tugged her along toward the door, grumbling under his breath, “Christ, now look what you’ve instigated.”

When they walked outside, Angel saw there were about thirty guys. Some already on their bikes, some standing around. Most turned to get a look at her as she followed Cole over to his bike. Some, she noticed were munching on celery stalks, big grins on their faces.

Cole took one look at them, and shook his

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