Outlaw - By Nicole James Page 0,26

head, trying to keep from laughing. He turned to level her with a look that said he was not pleased with this new development.

She sucked her lips in, trying to hold the grin back.

“You realize you’ve been here less than a day?”

“What did I do?”

Shaking his head, he took her jacket from her, and shoved it into one of his saddlebags. He threw his leg over the seat, and lifted the bike up off its kickstand. He put his helmet and glasses on.

She did the same, and climbed on the back.

He fired it up, and looked to his left. A gray haired, older man nodded, and they pulled out. All the rest fell in behind them.

It was a beautiful, sunny day, and the ride felt great. Angel took her left arm off Cole’s waist, and put it on her thigh, and turned to look back. There was a line of bikes all the way back as far as she could see. She also noticed she was the only female on this trip.

“You okay?” Cole asked over his shoulder.

“Fine,” she shouted back over the wind.

Cole reached down with his left hand, and took her hand off her thigh, and put it back around his stomach. “Hang on,” he ordered as they turned onto the entrance ramp for the interstate heading out of town.

He hit the throttle, and Angel felt the bike surge forward under her. She held on tight as he shifted through the gears. The whole group took off, getting up to about eighty mph. The bikes spread out, leaving more room between them.

They drove for hours, out through the desert, and headed up into the mountains as the sun was setting, finally pulling into their destination just as darkness fell. Angel felt the fear crawl up her spine as she saw the place again. Everything came rushing back.

Cole stopped the bike, cut the engine, and told her to get off. Then he backed his bike into a spot, along with all the others. Dismounting, he pulled his helmet and glasses off, and stored them on the bike.

Angel pulled her helmet off, and Cole took it from her hands, and put it with his. She pushed her sunglasses up on her head.

Cole took her hand, and pulled her to the side. He looked down into her face. “Look, I need you to let me know when you see this guy. You spot him, you don’t say anything. You squeeze my hand. Understand?”

She nodded.

He studied her. “You okay?”

Angel nervously looked around. “It’s just…being back here-”

Colt nodded. “Yeah. Last thing I wanted was to bring you back here, babe. Didn’t see anyway around it.”

She looked at him. “I know.”

“You gonna be okay?” He searched her eyes.

She nodded. “Just please…don’t leave me, okay?”

“If I have to, I’ll make sure one of our guys is always with you,” he reassured her. “Alright?”


“Don’t talk to anybody, and don’t ask any questions. You understand?” he warned.


“Okay. Come on.” He took her by the hand. They walked over to where the older man was standing.

“I’m going in. Talk to Wyatt.”

Cole nodded. “Okay, Mack. We’re gonna take a walk around, see if she can spot him.”

Mack looked at her. “We appreciate your help with this.”

Angel nodded.

He turned, and walked off.

Cole looked down at her. “Come on.” He signaled to another member, who she noticed fell in behind them.

They walked through the crowd. Cole spoke to several guys that he knew. There was a bonfire, and they walked over, and stood by it for a while. Cole made small talk with several more people. He didn’t introduce her to anyone.

Cole lit a cigarette, and glanced down at her. “Nothing, babe?”

She shook her head.

He took a hit off the cigarette. “Come on.”

She felt his hand close around hers again. He led her around another time, and then headed back up to the building. They sat at a picnic table that was located a few yards in front of the porch for the clubhouse. Cole sat with his legs straddled over the bench, and pulled Angel down between them. One of their guys walked up, and set two bottles of beer in front of them.

“Thanks, man,” Cole said, sliding one over in front of Angel.

The guy sat down across from them. “Pike said Chuck’s here somewhere, but he hasn’t seen him in the last hour.”

Cole nodded. “We’ll deal with him later.”

Angel took a sip of the beer.

Cole bent close to her ear. “Keep your eyes open.”

She nodded, and looked around.

They sat

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