Operation Endurance - By Christi Snow Page 0,84

overwhelming memory of the night before. Hell yeah, he had an orgasm and it had been the most amazing thing. Relief, joy, and a touch of panic overwhelmed him all at once.

Where was Julie? Why wasn’t she there with him anymore? Guilt swept over him. He’d completely crashed on her. Memories from the night before swamped him, along with a good deal of confusion. He’d confessed his need for her and she’d immediately begun to doctor him like she wanted to avoid the subject. Was it possible he’d misread her? Maybe she didn’t have feelings for him anymore, but she’d said she’d never slept with Aaron. Those weren’t the actions of a woman who didn’t have feelings for him.

Julie was an extremely complex lady. He had a feeling he just needed to give her time. He could do that, but in the meantime, he wasn’t going to leave her side. He slowly stood, wrapping the blanket around his waist and tested how much weight his knee would take. Pain and pressure radiated out from his knee and up his thigh, but it would hold some weight. It wasn’t as bad as he’d expected it to be. Relief surged through him. Maybe there really wasn’t any new damage there besides some heavy bruising.

And as he moved his sore, tired body, he realized bruising was going to be the norm for the day. Everything ached and protested as he trudged slowly across the room. But he wasn’t going to let that deter him from his goal. He needed to find Julie.

He paused in the doorway of her bedroom, observing Julie while she slept. Gratitude surged through him. He had another chance here. Things weren’t as perfect as he hoped. He had a lot of work ahead of him especially since he still needed to explain to her about his fertility issues. He knew she wanted a family so this could be a major issue for them, but there were other options out there. He would tell her eventually. In the meantime, he just needed to convince her that she needed him as much as he needed her.

He dropped the blanket he’d wrapped around his waist and slid between the covers with her. He tucked in behind her and pulled her under his arm so she spooned with him, his chest pressed into her back.

She stirred lightly with a mumbled, “Chris?”

“Yeah, it’s me, Butterfly,” he whispered into her hair. “Go back to sleep.”

She breathed in deep as she half-turned her head toward him, gave a small smile, and then entwined her fingers with his. With a small wiggle of her hips against his cock, she slipped back into sleep. Anticipation zinged, knowing they could explore that later, but for now, he was happy just to be able to sleep with her in his arms. Finally.

* * *

Chris awoke when warm, moist heat engulfed his throbbing cock. He’d been having the most amazing dream, which usually was the precursor to his nightmare. Muscles tensed, he opened his eyes. He was in Julie’s room and he’d never been here in his dreams. This was real. He wasn’t trapped in that hovel in Colombia. Her tongue rolled around the tip of his engorged shaft and he moaned. Damn, he could get used to waking up like this. He glanced down at her and emotions welled when he caught sight of her mischief-filled eyes. It had been so long since he’d seen a look of joy on her face.

“Well, good morning to you, too,” he said, his voice was gruff from sleep mixed in with arousal.

Her eyes sparkled as she continued to work the pulsing length of his cock, flicking her tongue and teasing him with varying pressures of lips and suction. He wasn’t going to last long if she kept this up. He reached down and lifted her up his chest, although she gave a sound of protest, he quieted her with a passionate kiss. As she melted into his chest, he began to explore her, tugging at her t-shirt so he could get to her breasts. The sensation of skin on skin rolled over him with tingling promise.

He pulled at her shirt again. “Please Butterfly, I need you naked. Take it off.”

She stroked his naked cock and then cast a teasing glance at him. “Well, since you’re already naked, I guess it’s only fair.”

“Hmm, I do like a woman with a sense of fairness.” Her wiggling on top of him as she removed her clothing

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