Operation Endurance - By Christi Snow Page 0,82

but needed more, so he tugged at her shirt. “Take it off,” he growled. Her hands fumbled to comply and he looked up into her desire-laced eyes as she removed it. When her eyes met his, he knew he’d made a mistake. She’d seen the bruises on his face.

“Oh God, how could I forget? You’re hurt. We can’t do this.” She began to rise off him, but he grasped her hips to hold her down, knowing she could feel his hard as steel arousal against her.

“I’m fine,” he whispered harshly. “Please don’t stop for me. I want you so much.” His fingers still thrust inside her and he curled them to work her folds. The sensation appeared to rock her concentration on his wounds and she moaned deep. Her eyes lost focus and her breathing gasped. Her hips surged again and again. He ran the pad of his thumb over her clit and she shattered around his fingers, moisture flooding over them. She screamed his name and continued to clench over and over leaving a trail of scratches down his chest.

He couldn’t hold off any longer. He needed to be inside her. He tugged at his boxer briefs so that his cock was free. She’d scrambled to shed her clothing. Before climbing back on top of him, she took his shaft in hand, rubbing up and down his long length several times, before throwing her bare, long leg over him. He hissed as she lowered over him so he was just touching the edge of her delicate folds.

She held still there for a moment, their harsh, heavy breathing reverberating throughout the room. Then she looked at him with so much emotion in her eyes it left him feeling stunned. But as she sank down the length of his cock, he forgot how to feel anything but the pure ecstasy of being a part of her.

Her warmth pulsed around him and the tingling at his spine warned him he was too close. He grabbed hold of her hips and held her still while he laved kisses over her breasts, trying to gain some semblance of control. She wouldn’t be held down, though, and continued to slide down him and flex her hips as she rained kisses and bites across his neck and chest.

It had been too long and his control was nonexistent. His orgasm barreled down as her inner walls convulsed around him. He slid the pad of his finger across the nub of her clit as he latched on once again to the nipple of her breast. She tensed and cried out his name as he exploded, sending wave after wave of bursts of hot cum into her core.

When the spasms along her inner walls ended, she collapsed against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and simply held her, reveling in the feel of her breath fluttering across his chest hairs. Her rapid pulse pounded against his chest and the hard nubs of her nipples teased at the planes of his stomach. These were the little things that he swore he would never take for granted again.

This, this closeness, this being a part of another person, Julie, was the best feeling in the entire world and he never wanted to go without it again. Selfish? Yeah, but he wanted to keep her in his life, and not just as friends.

Her head still lay against his chest, her hair resting just below his chin. Her fingers played with the hair that trailed up his stomach and she whispered, “We didn’t use a condom.”

He closed his eyes. He didn’t think he could get her pregnant. That probably wasn’t possible for him anymore. “I’m sorry, Julie. I didn’t even think about it, but I can promise you I’m clean. I haven’t been with anyone since you.”

Her head lifted off his chest and she watched him with wide eyes.

“I’ve been through a continual battery of medical tests since then. I know I’m clean.”

“I haven’t been with anyone since then either.”

Wait. What? Her eyes filled with tears and her voice was so low he wasn’t sure he heard her right. That couldn’t be right, could it?

“How is that possible? What about Aaron?”

She shook her head and the tears spilled onto her cheeks. “I couldn’t. I couldn’t sleep with him. I’d promised to wait for you and I just couldn’t break that promise. I tried, because you were dead, but I couldn’t.”

Shock sizzled through his system as he thought back to those months before

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