Operation Endurance - By Christi Snow Page 0,45

kiss and they all cheered. All in all, it was the perfect ceremony.

* * *

Julie snuck around to the bar and ordered a glass of water so she could take some more medicine. She’d managed to ditch Chris for the moment as the photographer worked on taking the family photos. She still didn’t feel one hundred percent, but whatever mix of drugs Chris had concocted for her earlier in the day had definitely helped. And miracle of miracles, she hadn’t interrupted that perfect wedding ceremony with a coughing jag, so she felt nothing but grateful. She’d almost made it through this day.

She spotted Penelope talking to Detective Brian Barnes so she worked her way over to them. Brian had become a friend when he worked on Cassie’s stalker case and then again when things got crazy at Penelope’s bookstore. Over the last year, they’d needed the services of the detective way too often, but the guy was devoted to his job. He looked really good in his navy blue suit. She was used to seeing him working, so it was nice to see him in relaxation-mode. “How are you tonight, Detective?”

“I’m good. I hear you had a lot to do with the organization of this evening. I’ve never seen this place look quite so beautiful.”

“Thanks, but it was a group effort. I had a great team and Cassie was happy to let me make all the decisions so it made it very easy.”

“Pete mentioned earlier in the week that you’ve been sick.” A frown creased his forehead. “I can still hear it in your voice. I hope you’re on your way to recovery. Your self-defense classes are an important part of the community.”

She smiled at him and nodded. “Thanks. I’m starting to feel better. I couldn’t do the classes without Pete and the guys, Lyle and Stephen, though. They create an invaluable team. We appreciate you letting us beat up on them every week.” She looked around the room. “Speaking of Pete, I thought he was coming tonight, but I haven’t seen him.”

Brian smirked. “Oh, he’s here. The last time I saw him, he appeared to be completely enraptured with his date. I think you know her. Her name’s Toni.”

“No way. He brought Toni to the wedding?” Yippee. Was it wrong that she was doing a little mental dance? They were both such great people. She wanted great things for them.

Brian nodded conspiratorially. “Yep. I tried to warn him. A wedding for a second date? He’s setting a bad precedence for all the rest of us single guys, but he wouldn’t listen to me.”

She smirked at him. “And where is your date?”

“Are you kidding? With the hours I keep? Who has time for dating?”

Julie knew that was true. He showed up day or night without complaint whenever he was needed. But he was a really nice guy, good-looking too. It made Julie sad to think that he never had anyone waiting at home for him. Maybe she’d see what she could do about that. She knew lots of single women from the hospital who would understand his crazy hours.

The dance music had started up and Julie was surprised when the Robertson brothers walked up. They’d already finished with the photographs? Colton reached his arm around Penelope’s waist and lightly rubbed where their baby was growing. If Julie hadn’t known that she was pregnant, she probably wouldn’t have even noticed the movement. But she did and her eyes filled with tears. It was such a wonderful little action, so filled with love. Momentarily overcome, she turned to escape to the restroom and ran right into Chris’s chest. He was standing directly behind her.

Chris grasped hold of her chin and lifted her gaze to his. “Butterfly, are you okay?” he whispered, glancing back over to where Penelope and Colton continued to embrace.

She nodded. “I’m fine. I just need a moment. I’ll be back in a little bit.” She slid around him and escaped to the restroom.

It took a few minutes, but she got herself composed and managed to fix her makeup after the emotions of the wedding. When she re-entered the wedding space, it looked like most of the guests were taking advantage of the band and dance floor. She spotted Pete and he flagged her over to his side.

“Hi. I heard you had a hot date. Has she already abandoned you?”

He laughed low. “No, she didn’t like Brian just standing around watching everyone, so she managed to pull him out onto

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