Operation Endurance - By Christi Snow Page 0,44

gorgeous wedding gown and happiness sparkled in her eyes.

She’d left her long, red hair loose and it flowed in waves across her shoulders, reflecting the light from the twinkle lights so that it looked like little sparks of fire. The white of her wedding dress set off her creamy skin. It had an open neckline and cap sleeves which were covered by Italian lace. The lace fully covered the bodice, but trailed away into lines when it met the full sheer fabric of the skirt that made her look like a princess. A simple ribbon bow at her waist emphasized how tiny her waist was. All that running leading up to the wedding paid off.

It was hard to believe that this was the sister he’d grown up with, shooting pretend guns, and falling out of trees. She looked elegant, regal, and so beautiful and she only had eyes for Jake as she gave him a brilliant smile. Their love shined almost like a physical entity between them.

Colton cleaned up pretty well, too. Decked out in a custom fitted black tux, he had the debonair aura of the most lethal of spies. Chris grinned across at Penelope. She seemed to enjoy how well his big brother filled out his tuxedo if her happy smile was any indication.

Finally, Colton and Cassie made it to the end of the aisle where Colt gave her hand to Jake. Emotion surged through Chris. This was it. Their moment. Julie squeezed his hand and he threaded his fingers through hers. He knew things weren’t the same anymore between them, but to have her here sharing this moment with him meant more than anyone could imagine. He brushed his thumb across the palm of her hand and then turned his attention back to Cassie and Jake.

They’d written their own vows.

“Jake,” Cassie’s soft voice rang out over the group, “from the moment we met, I knew there was something special about you. There aren’t many guys out there who don’t worry about tackling a girl.” There was a smattering of laughter from the members of the audience who knew the story of how Jake had come to be part of their group of friends when she was eight and he was ten. “But I knew from that moment on that you were the guy for me. It just took me a few years to convince you of it.”

More laughter.

“I love you so much, Jake.” Chris could hear the strong emotion in her voice. “You make me a better person. You make me a stronger person. But most importantly, you complete me. Without you in my life, there’s this hole in my heart that just doesn’t feel right. But when we’re together, even when we’re fighting or disagreeing, there’s a peace in my heart that tells me that all is right in my world. Thank you for loving me, for accepting me, for wanting me.”

Jake cleared his throat and grabbed hold of her hand. “A year ago, I was sure I had lost both my best friends. To be standing here today is a miracle, in more ways than one.” His tear-filled eyes reached out to Chris before turning back to Cassie.

Chris could hear sniffling from the audience.

“But you didn’t give up on me. On us. And I am so grateful for that because I need you in my life, too. I thought I knew what I wanted from life, but without you in it, I was lost. I didn’t have that internal compass working anymore. You are my life, Cassie. From the time we met when I was ten years old that’s been the truth. It just took me a while to figure that out. I love you, with all that I am. Thank you for agreeing to put up with me and for becoming my wife.”

It wasn’t time for it yet, but Jake reached over and kissed Cassie, until the preacher interrupted them by clearing his throat. Jake pulled back from her, although Cassie remained a little glassy-eyed. He turned toward the preacher and mumbled, “Sorry,” although his grin and humor-filled eyes told a completely different story.

Everyone in the place was happily grinning at this point. While the preacher acted like he disapproved, his twitching lips said something else. After a few words of wisdom and the exchanging of the rings, the preacher said those little words. “I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride.”

Jake mumbled, “Finally.” He swept Cassie into a dramatic

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