Operation Endurance - By Christi Snow Page 0,28

here. What are we eating tonight?”

“It’s a new recipe I’m trying so hopefully, it works out. You’re my guinea pig. We’re eating pork medallions in orange sauce, almond-glazed asparagus, and a pecan spinach salad.”

“Mmm, if it tastes near as good as it smells, I can volunteer to be your full-time guinea pig.”

Julie laughed and handed Toni her glass of wine. “Let me get everything out of the oven and we can try it out. By the way, congratulations on getting the job.” She lifted her own wine glass in a mock toast. “So tell me, what did you think about Mad Rob?”

“It’s definitely going to be a change from the law firm, but I cannot tell you how excited I am about that. I think it’s going to be a good change. I really like Chris and Colton. They seem laidback, but still professional. The whole business is so different from what I’m used to. I have a lot to learn with the scheduling programs and all the stuff to do with Homeland Security, but I’m really looking forward to it.”

Julie smiled. “I’m glad. The guys need someone good to handle the office for them. I love them, but it will be good to have you around. It will help keep the place from becoming a mature frat house.”

Toni giggled. “Colton doesn’t strike me as the frat boy type.”

“You may be right there, but Chris and Jake together can cause a ruckus.”

“What’s their history? How do they all know each other? Is it from their time in the military?”

“No, actually, they all grew up here in Lubbock as friends. Cassie, Chris, and Jake are the core three in the friendship. From what I understand they’ve been inseparable since elementary school. But last year, Chris’s Air Force jet crashed and he was presumed dead for six months.” Julie’s voice cracked so she took a sip of wine. “When they found him, he’d been tortured and held captive that entire time. He was in bad shape. They weren’t sure he was going to survive it for a while.”

“Wow, you’d never guess that when you meet him.”

“He’s getting better every day and becoming more like that guy we all knew before, but it hasn’t been easy for him or any of his friends and family. Both Colton and Jake got out of the Air Force because of everything that happened. It’s been a crazy year for all of them.” Her eyes widened as she looked up at Toni and their blank plates.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to get into all that. Geez, talk about a downer for dinner conversation.” She waved a hand over the table full of food. “Go ahead, and dish up your plate.”

“I don’t mind if I do, but thanks for telling me all that. I have to work with these guys and maybe having a little bit more information will keep me from inserting my foot in my mouth, at least for the first few days. I’m afraid there’s no avoiding it long-term.” She gave a self-deprecating laugh. She took a bite and looked down at her fork in surprise. “Whoa, this is so good. Can I move in with you and just eat your food?”

Julie laughed. “Thanks. It’s nice to have someone else to cook for. I love to do it, but it hardly seems worth the time for just me.”

“Not to take us from one bad dinner subject to another, but have you heard anything else about the serial rapist?”

Julie took a fortifying sip of wine. “I heard from one of my friends at the hospital yesterday. A seventh victim was brought in. She’s alive, but in a coma. Someone found her early yesterday morning, but they think she’d been in a ditch for a long time and she’s had head trauma so they aren’t sure she’ll ever wake up.”

“Oh my God. That’s awful. Do they have any leads?”

Julie nodded. “The only thing they know so far tying the rapes together is that he always draws a heart in their palms.” Julie shivered. “I can’t believe this is happening here. Lubbock’s always been such a safe town.”

“I don’t know. It doesn’t seem like it is lately. Wasn’t there a doctor killed at the hospital where you work last year?”

Suddenly, the room began to spin.

“Julie?” There was a hand pushing her head between her legs. “Come on, Julie, breathe before you pass out.”

Julie took several gulping breaths before her lightheadedness began to recede. She pulled back from

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