Operation Endurance - By Christi Snow Page 0,27

since we’re neighbors and friends, you could just enjoy mine.”

She gave him a soft smile. “I’d like that.” They could make this friend thing work. It was nice having him in her life. She’d take that any way she could get it. She was self-aware enough to know that she wasn’t what anyone needed in a relationship right now. Maybe not ever. She’d get a puppy. That was the only companion she needed.

Chapter 11

Two nights later, Julie opened her front door to find Toni standing there chatting with Chris. She hadn’t seen him since their perfectly pleasant platonic dinner. If nothing else that night proved they might have a future as just friends. She was still drawn to him in a physical way, but she connected to him mentally too which meant they could be friends, good friends, if that was all that was available.

She’d surreptitiously felt out Cassie to see if she knew anything about Brian’s visit, but it quickly became obvious that whatever was going on with that visit, Chris hadn’t shared it with his twin. She hoped it was the nothing he claimed it to be and tried to drop it from her long list of worries.

It was another gorgeous evening in West Texas and Toni was dressed in denim shorts, a fitted purple t-shirt, and cute purple espadrilles. In contrast, Chris looked like he was about to head out on a run in a loose tank top which showed off his muscular arms, basketball shorts, and running shoes. “Hey, guys.”

Toni turned to her and raised an eyebrow. “You’ve been holding out on me. I didn’t realize you two were neighbors.”

Julie started to explain, but Chris jumped in. “It’s a new thing. I just moved in a little over a week ago.”

“Hmm, I don’t know if I can be friends with someone who lives next door to my boss.” Toni’s eyes sparkled. “Somehow that seems somewhat incestuous.”

Julie laughed. “Oh, you have no idea. Our entire group of friends is a mish mash of friends and siblings that becomes more enmeshed every week.”

Toni smirked. “Well, that sounds intriguing.”

“I’ll have to draw you a flow chart so you can see how everyone is related. You already know the guys from Mad Rob so it shouldn’t be that hard to catch up with the girls.” Julie turned back to Chris. “Toni’s here for dinner. I made enough if you want to come join us, although you look like you’re ready for some exercise.”

He’d already begun shaking his head. “No, I don’t want to get in the way of a girl’s night.”

She turned back to Toni. “See, this is what having a twin sister does for a guy. He’s much more aware of the sacred nature of girls’ night than most guys.”

Toni asked Chris, “You have a twin sister?”

He nodded. “Yep, Cassie’s my twin. She’s marrying Jake, the third owner of Mad Rob that you didn’t get to meet Friday.”

“And Colton’s your brother, too, right?”

He gave a low chuckle. “I never thought about it before, but it does almost feel incestuous, doesn’t it?” He looked at Julie with a touch of humor that was quickly replaced with something else before his eyes skittered back to Toni. “I’ll let Julie fill you in on the rest of the relationships within the group. I need to get going on my run.”

“There’s more?” Toni looked speculatively between the two of them.

Julie pulled Toni into her house, not wanting to discuss this any further with Chris standing there. There’s no telling what Toni might blurt out. “Like I said, I’ll draw you that flow chart.” She gave Chris a wave. “Have a good run.”

Toni turned on her as soon as the door shut behind her. “What was that about? Is there something going on between you and—“

“No! Sorry,” Julie ran a hand through her short hair trying to calm her thundering heart rate down. She worked for a more moderate tone. “No, I’m not part of the romantic mix with any of our friends. I’m just friends with all of them.”

“O…kay. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to jump to wrong conclusions. A lot of times there’s no filter between my brain and mouth.”

“It’s okay, Toni. My love life has been a bad thing lately so I’m touchier about it than I should be. Let’s just ignore it and enjoy our evening. I have some wine chilled. Would you like some or something else to drink?”

“Wine sounds great. And speaking of great, it smells wonderful in

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