One More Storm (Mistletoe Matchmakers of Clearwater County #6) - Bonnie R. Paulson Page 0,55

laid down in the suspicious spots.

She pulled into the insurance company’s parking lot behind the building and pulled her jacket tight around her. Janice, her agent, would offer Amanda a tea and normally Amanda declined. Maybe not today when the wind was a little bit more on the biting side.

Inside, Janice stood beside the front desk, nibbling on a gingerbread cookie and laughing at something the receptionist said. A new receptionist since the last time Amanda had been in.

Janice turned, her eyes widening in surprise. “Amanda! I wasn’t expecting you. How are you? I hope everything is okay.” Her eyes narrowed in concern and she wiped the front of her suit for crumbs. Looking back up, she motioned toward the tray of treats on the counter at her elbow. “Would you like something sugary and full of Christmas weight gain promises? I can attest to their fulfilling of all their guarantees.” Janice laughed and motioned Amanda to follow her toward her offices.

“Thanks, Janice. I just had some concerns, if that’s alright. I won’t take up too much of your time.” Amanda followed Janice, pulling her gloves from her hands and tucking them into the pockets of her overcoat.

She wanted to get the meeting done as quickly as possible so she could get back home and spend more time with Tommy. That wasn’t something she needed to share with her insurance agent, though.

They took their respective seats in Janice’s modest office and Janice folded her hands to lean on the desk. “Okay, lay it on me. What’s going on? How can I fix it?”

Amanda reached into her bag and pulled out her insurance statements and set them on the table to slide across to her agent. “Okay, so I’ve been doing therapy sessions a few times a week and they’re not noted on my online activity. I printed them off so I could show you. I know it’s too soon to show up on statements, but the online accounts are supposed to show in real time what’s happening in the billing department. Is there a lag in charging or something?” She knew Tommy was having money problems. If her insurance wasn’t paying on time, then that would contribute to his struggles and the last thing she needed to do was make things harder for him. It certainly didn’t make her feel better about anything between them.

Janice pulled the statements in front of her and scanned them. “Okay, no therapy or medical charges for the last few months. Let’s see if we at least have some billing or claims that need to be adjusted.” She turned to her computer and clicked and clacked on the keyboard as she studied the bright screen reflecting in her glasses. “Hmmm. Just a minute. Let me look here, too.” She used the mouse and clicked some more. After a minute, Janice turned back to Amanda, her brow furrowed under her thick bangs. “Amanda, I’m not showing any evidence of any kind of sessions being billed. Is there something wrong with the card I gave you?”

Amanda reached into her purse and pulled the card from her wallet and handed it over. “Do you think I should call the clinic I’m going to and get this straightened out?”

“Yeah, go ahead and call them while I compare some numbers here to make sure your policy number matches up. If the bills are being sent in but they’re not being assigned to the right policy, that could be a problem as well.”

“Okay, just a second.” Amanda pulled her cell out and looked up the number for the therapy office. The fast dial option let her swipe and call from her search and she glanced at her lap as she waited for it to ring. Janice continued clicking on her computer.

“This is Colby Therapy. How can I help you?” The cool receptionist’s voice was easily recognizable.

Amanda forced a smile. “Hi, this is Amanda Dean. I was wondering if there’s an issue with my insurance on file. I haven’t had any bills turned in and my insurance company isn’t showing any records of you guys on file.” Amanda picked at the edge of her jean seam by her knee while she waited for the receptionist to get the information she needed.

After a drawn-out moment, the woman came back on the phone. “I’m sorry, Ms. Dean, I don’t have any record of you being a patient with our clinic. Is there a different name your records could be under?” The woman was politely Copyright 2016 - 2024