One More Storm (Mistletoe Matchmakers of Clearwater County #6) - Bonnie R. Paulson Page 0,54

his feet, pulling his mug to his lips again as if that was that.

Amanda turned to her own mug and stared at the gooey looking pile of melty marshmallows. “You know what, though? Elizabeth… She told me to call her that, came and talked to me. She said I should consider spending more time with them so I could get to know my brothers more.” Amanda didn’t know what to say to that. Her brothers. What exactly did that mean?

Dad cleared his throat after he swallowed. “She’s a wise woman. You should. I’ve been thinking a lot about both families and how we’ve had a lot of events join us and a lot divide us.” He sighed and shook his head, lowering the cup again to the counter.

“Do you know… I mean, do you know if the rest of the girls think of me any differently?” Amanda bit her lip and then glanced at him from under her lashes. She was essentially dying to know if they all thought differently of her. Wasn’t that the most telling thing?

“Since they found out what?” Was that a teasing tone in Dad’s voice? Was that an appropriate time to tease?

“Finding out that I’m not your… well, I mean, I’m not your blood daughter.” The correct term was hard to define after he’d just claimed her as his.

David’s half-grin faded and he furrowed his brow. “I don’t care who says you’re not my daughter. You are. Do you understand? And you’re their sister. Not one of them has indicated otherwise. You’re my daughter and I’d fight anyone who says otherwise – dead or alive.” His eyebrows wiggled, softening the seriousness of his comment.

Amanda shook her head, laughing a bit in response to his comment. “Thanks, Dad. All of this has been so confusing.”

“Is that why you found yourself a homeless therapist?” David turned, leaning his back against the counter and sipping more cocoa while he stared at her over the rim of his cup.

“Homeless? He’s not homeless.” Amanda’s laughter burst from her and she shook her head. “Why would you think that? Oh, because he’s staying here?” She continued as Dad nodded. “Well, the thing is, I know he has a place up in Dark Woods with his grandmother. But he’s down here trying to get an office set up that’s separate from the one in Colby.”

“So, wait. He lives in Dark Woods but works in Colby and now wants a new office here in Mistletoe? Does he have a time machine? That’s a lot of driving from spot to spot.” David shrugged. “To each his own, I guess. I mean, look at me. I’m getting older and I’m still determined to make a matchmaking company succeed.”

“It is succeeding, right? Is the company having problems?” Amanda suddenly snapped into hard focus. Was David trying to tell her something without sounding like he was complaining?

“No. The company is fine, but I can tell that not all of you want to do matchmaking for a living. That’s something to think about as we try to figure out overhead and how to grow the business beyond where we have it.” He drained the rest of his cup and eyed Amanda’s. “If you don’t get drinking, I might have to finish yours for you. And let’s be honest. I don’t need any of the extra calories.”

“Oh, Dad. You don’t have any problems in that department.” Amanda glanced at him and straightened up before speaking candidly. “You should probably remarry, Dad. You’re still young and you’re a great guy. You could make some woman a perfect husband.” She snapped her fingers and pointed at him. “Maybe I need to coordinate a master matchmaking, just for you. The girls would love it.” And Amanda pulled back as David lunged her direction, both of them laughing deliriously.

There wouldn’t be any matchmaking until they both had figured out the basics of their lives first.

Chapter 30


Amanda would have asked Tommy to come with her, but how awkward to finalize payment information on his services in front of him. Not to mention he’d been adamant that business hours were the only time he was her therapist. She didn’t want to talk about the billing issues her insurance was having when they were supposed to be working on their friendship, and, if she was lucky, what they could be after therapy concluded.

The drive to Mistletoe and the insurance office was fast. The roads had been cleared earlier that morning of snow, and gravel had been Copyright 2016 - 2024