One Moment Please (Wait With Me #3) - Amy Daws Page 0,98

a real proposal. Something that wasn’t impulsive and casual. Something that she could be proud to tell her friends and family about. I don’t think it’s impossible to give her that while still protecting your heart.”

I frown over at him. “So maybe flowers but no hearts?”

Max nods. “Yeah, but not fucking flowers. That’s so cliché. Just think of all the shit you know about her and tie some of it into a new proposal. Make it personal. And get a fucking ring this time, you cheap asshole.”

I nod and ponder his suggestion. It’s the best advice he’s given me so far, that’s for damn sure. Maybe it could work.

I switch shifts with one of my fellow attendings so I’m home while Lynsey’s at work. I turn on her favorite country slow songs that I always hear her listening to in the bath and light candles throughout the house…even though they’re cliché as shit. What’s not cliché is the charcuterie board-inspired portion of this proposal.

My heart lurches when the garage door opening warns me that she’s coming. I quickly turn the music up and get into position in the living room.

A moment later, Lynsey strolls in, holding her belly. Her brows furrow as she looks around at the candles.

I meet her in the dining area with a round charcuterie board in hand. “Hey, Jones.”

She glances at the board. “Josh, what are you doing?”

I smile. I smile a full, real smile this time because fucking hell, I might not love this woman, but she does make me happy. Happy and crazy and angry and passionate and I don’t want to lose her.

I drop down to one knee and lift the board filled with French silk pie slices from the hospital cafeteria with a princess cut engagement ring nestled right in the middle.

“Is that a sprig of aloe vera on a pie board?” Lynsey asks, her eyes wide in disbelief.

I shake my head. “Only your crazy mind would notice the garnish before the diamond ring sitting right in the middle.”

She blinks back her surprise, and croaks, “What are you doing, Josh?”

“I’m proposing to you in a way that makes you realize that I do care about you, Jones. That I know who you are and that you deserve a real proposal.” I lift the board up as proof. “You’re the most important person in my life, and I want to be there for you, supporting and encouraging you because there is seriously nothing I wouldn’t do for you, baby.”

Lynsey inhales sharply, her emotions spilling over as her eyes well with tears. “Josh…I don’t know what to say.”

“Say you’ll marry me,” I reply quickly. “Say that you’ll let me take care of you and the baby forever. Please.”

I hold my breath as a heavy silence descends. She could still say no. And hell, I’ll deserve it because she could do better than me. She could find someone who can love her and give her the life she’s always wanted. But I can’t go down without a fight. And I can only hope that she feels I’m worth sticking around for.

My heart thumps when tears fall down her face. I’m pretty sure they’re happy tears.

I hope they’re happy tears.

After a long pause, she smiles softly, and says, “Yes Josh, I’ll marry you.”

My eyes close as an immediate sense of comfort washes over me. I quickly recover and stand to put the ring on her finger. She opens her mouth to say something as a fleeting look of sadness crosses her face. Shaking that doubt away, I press my lips to hers and exhale because for the first time in a month, I can finally take a full breath again.

Lynsey is mine now. She’s with me, and I can protect her and our peanut from whatever this cruel world might bring.

I’ve got her.

I’m engaged to be married, and I’m having a baby.

My goodness, what a difference a year can make. This time last year, I was a full-time student, living rent-free in my grandma’s condo, stressing out about my pie butt and sad dating life, and having tiki bar parties with my friends in my backyard.

Now, I’m thirty-seven weeks pregnant, staring at my swollen ankles while counting down the days to meeting this giant peanut inside me.

Josh has relaxed now that I’ve reached full term. Despite Dr. Lizzy’s soothing words, he was really anxious about my cervix dilating too soon. He was so anxious that he even withheld sex, which irritated me beyond comprehension because I’ve Copyright 2016 - 2024