One Moment Please (Wait With Me #3) - Amy Daws Page 0,109

“I have someone I’d like you to meet.”

Mark smiles. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

“But I have to take care of some things first.” I shove a nervous hand through my hair and scrub it over the strands for a moment, trying to clear my head. Trying to think. “Can I call you tomorrow and arrange a time once I sort things out?”

Mark smiles knowingly. “My number hasn’t changed.”

And just like that, I’m running from my dark past and chasing what could be my bright future.

The next day, it’s dark out when I pound on Dean’s front door. His little townhouse on the outskirts of Boulder looks nothing like mine, where Lynsey and the baby belong. Because they’re my family. My everything. It’s why I’ve spent the past twenty-four hours cleaning up the mess I made of my office and transforming Lynsey’s room into the most beautiful nursery I’ve ever seen.

Thankfully, Max, Miles, and Sam were willing to help because after Lynsey left, I’d broken all the shit I had spent hours putting together into a million pieces. I needed help to repair everything I’d damaged physically. Now it’s time to repair everything I’d damaged emotionally.

I’m all in with Lynsey and it took meeting JJ and facing my past to make me realize I’ve been all in for months now. Lynsey is the one who opened my heart and made it possible for me to embrace Mark and his son. To remember Julian with love and fondness not pain and guilt. She healed me so I can give her all of me now.

I want to give her the world.

And if Dean opens this door and says he can give her more than I can, he is dead fucking wrong.

Dean opens the door and stands before me in nothing but a pair of boxers. It’s dark in the house, and he squints at the stoop light just as I catch sight of a familiar brunette behind him wrapped in nothing but a sheet.

Rage sparks inside me, and I pull back my fist and cold-cock Dean square in the face. He drops to the floor like a rock, and I shake out my throbbing hand while stomping past his groaning body to Lynsey.

I stop mid-step when the brunette turns.

Not Lynsey.


Dean has blood seeping out of his nose.

“You fucking idiot!” Dean bellows, clutching his face. “I think you broke my nose.”

Moments later, we’re in Dean’s bathroom, and I’m tending to his injury. The strange woman ran upstairs to hide from the deranged man who’s just reset the bone of the person he assaulted and is holding pressure to the bridge until the bleeding stops.

Dean’s voice is nasally when he says, “I’d better not get a fucking bill for this.”

I roll my eyes. “Just tell me where Lynsey is, and I’ll get out of here.”

He jerks his face out of my hands and replaces my fingers with his. “She’s at Kate’s, you fucking psychopath.”

My brows furrow because I was with Miles yesterday, and he never said a word. “She hasn’t been staying with you?”

“No,” he groans. “She refused to stay with me out of respect for you. You have no idea how much she loves you, you dick.”

My chest aches with those words because I’m terrified they might not still be true. After everything I’ve said, everything I’ve done…what if she doesn’t feel the same?

“I love her too.” The words are strange in my mouth. Strange but true.

Dean pins me with a serious look. “You love Lynsey?”

I nod. “I wouldn’t have assaulted you if I didn’t.”

Dean’s brows lift, and shockingly, the corner of his mouth tilts into a smile. “Well at least now I know you’ll fucking fight for her.”

Door number two proves a lot more fruitful because Kate answers with a big smile. “It’s about damn time.”

I exhale a heavy breath and look past her into the house. “Is Lynsey here?”

Miles catches my eye and offers me a guilty smile from where he’s seated on the couch in the living room. “What’s up, Dr. Dick?”

My lips thin at his greeting. “You could have told me she was here.”

He shakes his head. “Always take your lady’s side. If you knew that, you wouldn’t be in your current predicament.”

“Can I see Lynsey please?” My body vibrates with tension over the thought of seeing her again. It feels like it’s been months when, in reality, it’s only been a week.

Kate nods and stares at me while screaming at the top of her lungs, “Lynsey, your grand Copyright 2016 - 2024