One Fake Fiance - Jennifer Youngblood Page 0,11

her with probing eyes. “Why do you want to be with my son? Forgive me for being so blunt, but I don’t want to see Lucas get hurt again.”

“I totally understand.” Heat crawled up Magnolia’s throat. It was better to tell as much of the truth as she could. She took in a deep breath before diving in. “When I was a kid, I had a huge crush on Lucas.” A reminiscent smile tugged at her lips. “He was hands down the best-looking guy in school.”

“Are you sure this is Lucas we’re talking about?” Lexi retorted.

“Shh.” Layla swatted her hand. “Lucas is handsome.”

“He had this confident swagger that made all the girls swoon. When he would smile or speak to me, it was like my world stopped spinning.” Magnolia shrugged. “Of course, to Lucas, I was just his kid sister’s friend.” She paused, trying to figure out how to tell the rest. “After I graduated from high school, Lucas and I went on a few dates.” She’d been ecstatic when her path crossed with Lucas at a deli on the square of downtown Franklin. She couldn’t believe that he asked her out. She’d walked on air for days. “I liked how down-to-earth he was. He didn’t put on airs for anyone. We had fun doing normal things like going for a walk or jumping on the trampoline. One afternoon, I helped him wash his pickup truck.”

Lexi chuckled. “Lucas is relentless about keeping his truck clean. He washes it every weekend, even now when it’s colder than a witch’s nose.”

Magnolia was still lost in the memory. “That same evening, we put an old mattress in the back of Lucas’s pickup truck. We went to the drive-in and watched a double feature. We ate so much popcorn that we were sick. We just laughed and talked … we really connected.” She and Lucas went on one other date after that, but it was a disaster. Magnolia could tell that he was distant, and it irked her to no end. She pressed the issue, demanding to know what his problem was. They argued. She said something snarky about him working the ranch and pitched a fit about her new shoes getting ruined in the mud. That escalated to a huge fight that ended with her calling him a po-dunk, hick cowboy who had a colossal fear of commitment. He called her a spoiled princess who had no idea what the real world was like. But no need to add all of that ugliness into the narrative.

The clearing of a throat prompted Magnolia to turn around. She gasped, her tongue tying a noose around her windpipe when she realized that Lucas was standing in the doorway. He was leaning against the wood frame, his legs crossed, wearing a cocky smirk. A sickening humiliation blasted through her veins. Somehow, she managed to find her voice. “H—how long have you been standing there?”

Something indiscernible flashed in his eyes. Magnolia would’ve given anything to be able to read his thoughts. “Long enough,” he said lightly as he straightened to his full height. A large smile filled his face. “Something smells good.”

“Lexi and Magnolia have been cooking up a storm,” Layla answered.

The doorbell rang. Lexi sprang out of her seat. “I’ll bet that’s Asher.” Her voice was coated with a breathy excitement, her cheeks flushed. She smoothed a hand over her sweater and touched her hair. “Do I look alright?”

“Lovely.” Lucas’s voice dripped with sarcasm. Lexi shot him a dark look, which seemed to give him great pleasure. It was obvious that Lucas enjoyed razzing his younger sister.

“Don’t do anything to embarrass me,” Lexi warned as she pointed her finger straight at Lucas.

He held up his hands. “Don’t worry.” But Lexi had already bounded out of the kitchen before he could even get the words out.

Lucas grunted. “She could play a little hard to get.”

“Hush your mouth,” Layla commanded. “Lexi’s happier than I’ve ever seen her.”

He sighed. “I know. I’m happy for her.” He strolled over and gave Layla a kiss on the cheek.

An awkward silence descended over the room like a dense fog until Layla spoke. “Where are your manners? Aren’t you going to say hello?”

“Hey,” Lucas said, turning his attention to Magnolia.

She could feel her cheeks burning. “Hey.”

“Magnolia made some cornbread to go along with this feast that Lexi has prepared.”

A trace of amusement streaked over his handsome features. “You made cornbread?”

“Of course,” Magnolia responded, miffed that he was acting so surprised. Granted, she wouldn’t have Copyright 2016 - 2024