One Fake Fiance - Jennifer Youngblood Page 0,12

had a clue how to make a decent skillet of cornbread if Lexi hadn’t taught her, but that was beside the point.

Layla motioned to an empty chair. “Have a seat.”

Lucas did as she directed. Now that he was here, Magnolia’s skin tingled with a heightened awareness. Not wanting to be obvious about it, her eyes flicked over him. He was wearing a denim shirt, rolled up at the sleeves, faded jeans and his trademark leather boots. Heat wafted over her. Everything about Lucas screamed one hundred percent American male! Jiminy Cricket, even his forearms were masculine. If she could convince Lucas to marry her, the one consolation would be that she was definitely attracted to him. It wasn’t just his handsome looks that drew her, but rather his aura. Truth be known, she even liked his cocky attitude.

“When’s Dad getting home?”

“He had a meeting with Knox about a new project they’re working on.” Layla glanced at the clock on the microwave. “He should be home any minute.” She turned to Magnolia. “My husband Dylan and his brother Knox are real estate developers.”

“My dad is also in real estate.” He was involved in large-scale projects, many of which were commercial buildings, high-dollar outdoor malls, and resorts, but Magnolia didn’t see the need to point that out.

Layla smiled brightly. “One more thing y’all have in common.”

Magnolia glanced at Lucas, expecting him to scowl, but he didn’t. Instead, he winked, a crooked grin turning up a corner of his lips.

The gesture warmed Magnolia through to her bones as a smile trembled over her lips. Did she dare hope that Lucas was coming around? She could think of worse things than being married to Lucas Romeo. A warm, rich, decadent desire stirred through her stomach as her mind wandered to all the physical expectations a marriage would require, washing a wave of heat up her neck.

Lucas looked around. “What can I do to help with dinner?”

Layla’s eyes sparkled with humor. “That’s a first.”

Lucas frowned. “What?”

“You offering to help with dinner.”

Color moved into his cheeks. “That’s not true.”

Layla laughed as she squeezed his arm. “It’s okay, son. I don’t take offense. I know you’ve been out working hard. Magnolia and I can take care of it.”

“We sure can,” Magnolia inserted, liking how Layla was including her. She scooted back her chair and stood. “What would you like for me to do?” The shock on Lucas’s face would’ve been comical had it not been so insulting. Magnolia could tell exactly what he was thinking. “What?” she taunted. “You don’t think the princess knows her way around the kitchen?”

His eyes bugged as Layla sniggered. “Yep, I think the two of you will be just fine.”

“What have you been telling my mom about us?” He raised an eyebrow, giving Magnolia a challenging look.

“Stop pestering her,” Layla shushed as she swatted his arm. “You should be counting your lucky stars that a girl like her is giving you the time of day.”

A chuckle broke through Lucas’s lips. “Is that right?” There was a glint of admiration in his arresting eyes, which looked more blue tonight than gray. “You’re good,” he drawled. “One visit with Mom and you have her in your corner.”

“You bet she does,” Layla punched out. “She’s a keeper.”

A glow of warmth spread through Magnolia as she smiled. “Thank you.” She felt Lucas’s eyes on her, was surprised at how intently he was studying her. “What?” she mouthed.

He shook his head, giving her a look that said he’d explain later.

Lexi and Asher came into the kitchen. Lexi had her arm through Asher’s and was beaming. It was neat to see Lexi so in love. A pang went through Magnolia. She’d never know a love like that, thanks to her grandmother. But she would be wealthy beyond her wildest dreams. Gaining her inheritance had been in the forefront of Magnolia’s mind for years. Yet, here in this modest kitchen, with so much familial love and warmth flowing, wealth seemed like an empty consolation.

“Hello,” Asher said as he embraced Layla in a hug. He went to Lucas next, giving him a hearty handshake and pat on the back.

He turned to Magnolia. “Hey, neighbor. Long time no see.”

“Y’all are neighbors?” Layla asked, her eyes moving from Magnolia to Asher.

“Yep,” Asher answered. “We both live on Esplanade Avenue in New Orleans and didn’t even know each other.”

“Wow, it’s a small world,” Layla murmured.

“Sure is,” Lexi chimed.

Magnolia hadn’t seen Asher since the night of the fair in New Orleans when he’d first Copyright 2016 - 2024