One Desert Night - By Maggie Cox Page 0,50

marry only for love.'

Heart thumping, Gina stepped out of the spontaneous embrace, her distress mounting alarmingly. 'No. Farida. You mustn't assume any such thing where Zahir is concerned. He is his own man, and he has to make his own decisions about what he wants. Feeling on both sides have to be taken into consideration.'

'I love Zahir dearly, but it does not blind me to his faults. He is too unbending for his own good sometimes. But if he believes he can somehow subvert his destiny then he is deluding himself. He simply cannot go through with this marriage to the Emir's daughter when it is you that he loves, Gina!'

Shocked and taken aback by the assumption, Gina gasped. 'If he ever did love me he doesn't any more. He's too angry with me for deserting him. Farida, what we've discussed must stay just between us—I'm imploring you. Please don't mention any of this to your brother.'

'Don't upset yourself, my friend. I would not dare blunder in and tell him what's best for him...even if he needs to hear it. Sometimes subtlety is the way. No, I will not betray your trust in me, Gina—I promise. For now let's get back to work on the inventory, hmm? I will do my share with much more dedication now that I know the truth about you and Zahir.'

Unable to keep her worry about the situation totally at bay, Gina accompanied the other girl thoughtfully back into the palace. Glancing behind, she noted that Farida's well-built bodyguard moved that way, too...

He had been gone from the palace for most of the day. Zahir and his small entourage of guards had travelled into the city, where he'd visited his wounded bodyguard in hospital, then gone on to see his secretary Masoud, who had been laid low with a virus. To his relief, both men were healing well. By the time he returned home, all Zahir really wanted to do was take a shower, then go and find Gina.

The library was where he finally located her. In the glow of several softly burning lamps, she was seated behind a long table, reading. He paused for a few moments, just for the sheer pleasure of observing her. Her beautiful eyes were locked onto the opened pages of her book, and she absently curled a drifting gold strand of her hair round her finger and let it spring free again. Zahir's avid glance honed in on the delicate pink scarf round her neck. His gut contracted almost violently at the sight. There was no doubt that he felt personally responsible for her horrific experience in the marketplace, but there was a great desire in him to somehow make it up to her for his appalling lack of care.

It hadn't been easy to think of much else but her today. Even when he'd been conversing with his injured bodyguard in the hospital, and then his secretary at his house, thoughts of Gina drifted into his mind with increasing regularity. Their lovemaking last night had lifted his spirits and definitely renewed his energy. And this morning he had deepened his resolve to be a compassionate, fair and strong ruler, like his father before him, and make his descendants proud. That meant that he would not hesitate to make tough decisions when it came to what was best for the kingdom, even if it meant sacrificing his personal happiness. But, in truth, last night had only temporarily sated his desire for Gina—a desire that seemed to be growing in its demanding intensity rather than decreasing. The erotically charged memory ensured he had not lingered overlong in that city.

'It is getting late. And yet I find you here still working.' He moved towards her with an indulgent gentle smile.

Startled, she hastily shut the book she'd been so absorbed in and shot to her feet. Her softly pale cheeks coloured prettily. 'It doesn't feel so much like work as indulging a genuine passion,' she answered.

' have surely done enough for one day, no?'

'I suppose I have.'

She started to gather up her book and some papers from the table, and Zahir couldn't help noticing that her hands shook a little. Immediately his concerned glance swept her features for signs that she'd overtaxed herself. 'Have you rested at all today?' he demanded, knowing that he sounded gruff.

'I've been absorbed in doing something I enjoy...that's as good as resting.'

'I should have left stricter instructions with the doctor and my staff to make sure that you Copyright 2016 - 2024