One Desert Night - By Maggie Cox Page 0,49

that you read about. I'd never, ever experienced anything as strong or profound as I experienced with—with Zahir that night.' Her cheeks flushed with heat for a moment. Farida's glance was growing more and more interested.

'Anyway, we parted after I promised him I would return...just as soon as my mother had recovered. When he rang me the first time I fully intended to do just that. I could think of little else but him. But the second time he rang my mother had died.' She made a movement indicating disbelief. 'My father seemed to age overnight, and I could see that he really needed me. When I told him about Zahir he pleaded with me to stay in England, to carry on with my career and be around so that he could see me. He was worried that I was being completely rash and irresponsible in wanting to be with a man so far away...a man I barely even knew. His argument was so convincing that I questioned my own reason for wanting to go back. All kinds of doubts and fears crept in. Kabuyadir seemed like a dream then, and England harsh reality. So when I talked to Zahir on the phone I told him I wasn't coming back after all...that my father needed me since my mother had died, and wanted me to stay and pursue my career in memory of her wishes. I think it was the hardest, most distressing conversation I have ever had. Even as I said the words to him I felt my heart break at the thought I would never see him again.'

'And how did my brother receive the news that you were not coming back?' Farida's tone was hushed, considered.

'He was...' Gina flinched. 'He was very upset.'

'Three years ago our father died, too. Then Zahir became Sheikh. I remember at the time that he seemed to turn in on himself, as if he was strictly guarding his emotions from any possibility of further hurt. I thought it was just because we had lost our parents. Now I know he must have been grieving at losing you, too, Gina. How is it that you've come back here now, three years later, to do the inventory?'

Linking her fingers, Gina breathed in the warm spicy air for a moment. 'I changed jobs. I went to work for an auction house and the palace approached it for someone to...' She coloured guiltily as she remembered not to mention the Heart of Courage—the real reason she'd returned to Kabuyadir. 'Someone to do an inventory of its artefacts. It was a great shock to discover that Zahir was the ruler.'

Restless suddenly, as a sea of desperately suppressed emotion threatened to rise up and engulf her, Gina pushed to her feet.

Farida did likewise, her expression concerned. 'And now?' she asked bluntly.

'What do you mean?'

'Has Zahir not discussed the two of you getting together at last?'

Embarrassed, Gina dropped her gaze to the ground. Why did things have to be so excruciatingly difficult? How was she supposed to tell her lover's sister that in the future all he wanted was for her to become his mistress—and after last night hadn't she already complied? As far as Zahir's long-term plans were concerned, he seemed intent on going ahead with an arranged marriage. 'No. Not as such.'

'Why not? If he cares for you, then surely that is the next step?' Throwing her hands up in obvious frustration, Farida shook her head.

Gina was astonished that the other woman seemed to accept the idea of her having a relationship with Zahir so easily. She supposed she'd been half-afraid she might think that she was aspiring way above her station. 'Your brother intends to marry for diplomatic alliance, so I hear. The very idea of a more—a more loving relationship doesn't seem to feature in his thinking at all.'

'You love him?'

She'd revealed so much already. How could she deny the one truth that disturbed her every waking moment? Gina thought. 'I do.' Her steady blue-eyed gaze was unflinching.

One minute Farida was clasping her hands in front of her chest in wonder, the next she'd thrown her arms around Gina to hug her tight. 'You love my brother—truly love him? This is the best ever news I could have heard. It is just what he needs—to have a woman who loves him only for himself, and not because of his status or wealth. It is just as the Heart of Courage prophesied—that all our family's descendants would Copyright 2016 - 2024