Omega In The Office - Aria Grace Page 0,42

a bit, but he settles back down again as I gently rock his cradle. Even he can’t stay awake forever, no matter how hard he might try. I rock them for another minute, just to be sure that they’re both really asleep.

Leaving the room is always nerve wracking. If one of them isn’t fully settled then they’re sure to start crying as soon as I’m out the door. Then they’ll wake the other one up and they’ll both be crying. Getting them both to calm back down is a whole process. I keep hoping I’ll figure out some magic secret that gets them back to sleep with the snap of a finger.

Maybe someday.

As I creep out into the hallway with Candor, I keep my ears strained for any sounds of fussing.

It’s not until we’re safely down the hall that I’m able to breathe normally.

“They’ll sleep for a few hours now,” I say with a little sigh of relief. “I’m just gonna put these empty bottles in the dishwasher and then I’ll come back to bed.” I pick up the discarded bottles from the dining room table and head into the kitchen.

“You don’t have to look after them yourself,” Candor cautions me as he follows me into the kitchen. “We can help you.”

I smile softly, remembering the conversation we had before the twins were born. “This isn’t like before,” I assure him, as I unscrew the bottles and rinse them out in the sink. “Lucius is managing the apartments and dealing with tenants all day. You’re working on the web stuff, and you’re doing freelance work on the side.

“I’m not currently doing anything. Once a month I balance the books. Once a year I do the taxes. That’s my current contribution to our situation. So looking after the babies is the least I can do.”

I glance back at Candor. His expression isn’t easy to make out in the semi-darkness of the pre-dawn kitchen.

“Besides, it helps me feel like less of an outsider,” I admit. Turning back to the sink I look down at the bottles and sigh. “Taking them to appointments, or taking them to visit their grandparents, or going on walks...I have to tell people they’re my nephews. They’re not my sons, they’re my nephews. My brother and his mate are really busy so I’m helping them out.”

“Lucius...” Candor’s tone is pained. “I wish there was something more we could do. You don’t deserve this. They’re just as much yours as they are mine.”

“I’d swear that Thor has your nose,” I chuckle, as I put the bottles in the dishwasher. “And Leon’s forehead.”

“And Theo has your eyes,” Candor adds. “The three of us made two beautiful babies.”

“We did.” I smile and turn fully to face Candor. “Which is why I’m happy to get up with them in the middle of the night. I don’t need anyone else to know the truth. As long as they know that I’m their dad too. That’s all I need, truly.”

“What are you two doing out here?” Leon’s voice drifts through the darkness as he creeps through the dining room. “That bed is too big for me to sleep alone.”

“We were just putting the babies back to bed.” I smile at him through the darkness.

“Were they awake again? You should wake me up next time. I’ll look after them.” He barely manages to get the words out before a yawn interrupts him.

“Anyone who manages to sleep through their symphony deserves to stay in bed,” Candor chuckles. “Come on, both of you. Let’s go back before they decide to wake up again.”

“Are they really that loud?” Leon asks as we file back through the apartment. “I’m usually a light sleeper.”

“You’ve never been a light sleeper,” I chuckle. “And yes, they’re loud. They’re newborns with strong lungs and there are two of them. Of course they’re loud.”

We return to the bedroom, Leon crawling into the middle, while Candor heads to his side. As soon as we’re all settled, I’m transported back to Christmas Eve once again. The gentle breathing of my mates as they drift off to sleep. The warmth of their bodies beside mine. The feeling of their love enveloping me more snuggly than any blanket could.

Like I said back then. We live for those rare moments when everything aligns and life is perfect. Moments just like this.

“Are you sure about this?” I ask with a frown as I hover just inside the door of the office.

“Of course I am,” Leon says with a chuckle. “They’ll Copyright 2016 - 2024