Omega In The Office - Aria Grace Page 0,40

orgasm shakes him from head to toe.

Long before he’s finished coming, my body shivers. Lucius’s knot fills me, stretching me, sending waves of pleasure through me. If I hadn’t already come, I would’ve just now. Waves of warmth fill my body and I sink back against the alpha who is now motionless behind me.

As we lay gasping for air and basking in the glow of our love making, I’m enveloped by a warm happiness that fills my chest.

Leon is the first to break the silence. He always recovers from orgasming a little faster than we do. “Next time, it’s Lucius’s turn to get knotted.”



Time flies when you’re having fun, I guess. How is it already Christmas eve?

I’m curled up on the sofa with a mug of apple cider cradled in my hands. The Christmas tree glows with cheery light from the corner of the living room. Holiday songs drift from the radio and the scent of baking fills the whole apartment.

My feet are resting in Candor’s lap and he’s treating me to the most marvelous massage. Everyone needs an alpha to rub their feet at the end of a long day.

“Did you enjoy yourself today?” Candor asks.

“I did. I just wish we’d listened to Lucius and taken the car.” I groan as Candor hits a particularly tender spot on my foot. “I am not built for walking. Especially not that far.”

“I’m going to take the high road on this and resist the urge to say, ‘I told you so.’” Lucius emerges from the kitchen with a plate of gingersnap cookies.

“How gracious of you.” I roll my eyes at him. “But I’m glad we went. Even if my feet are killing me.”

“I should’ve known better,” Candor admits with a little frown. “I go there all the time. I know how far it is. I should’ve sided with Lucius on this.”

“Eh, it was a learning experience,” Lucius says before setting the cookies on the coffee table. “Besides, if we’d done what I said I wouldn’t be able to hear both of you say how right I was. I’ll treasure this moment forever.”

“Under normal circumstances, it would probably have been fine,” I insist, ignoring Lucius’s smug grin. “Honestly, two weeks ago it probably would’ve been fine. But apparently things are kicking into high gear now.”

“I, for one, had a great time,” Lucius says, dropping into the armchair across from me. “Your parents are a riot, Candor.”

“I thought you’d like them,” Candor says with a soft smile. “I told you they’d understand everything.”

“I’m really glad they did.” I grab one of Lucius’s cookies. “They seem really sweet.”

“If it wasn’t for the fact that they need constant care, I would’ve tried to bring them here for Christmas dinner.” Candor looks a little mournful. “I feel like everyone might’ve been a little more relaxed that way.”

“I think we made the best of it. Right, Lucius?”

“I know it’s not exactly what you wanted, Candor,” Lucius says as he gazes across the room. “I know it feels like, no matter how hard we try, nothing is ever perfect. We put in all this effort, try to envision the way we want things to go, and in the end it never quite matches up.”

Deep furrows form across my brow. My gaze flicks to Candor, but he doesn’t look concerned. If anything, he seems to be resonating with Lucius’s words.

“There are moments though,” Lucius continues, “when, for a brief moment, everything lines up. It might only be an instant, but right at that moment everything is perfect. Those are the moments that we live for. There were a lot of those moments while we were visiting your parents today.”

“Thank you.” Candor sounds like his voice is about to break.

The two of them have been closer than ever these last few weeks. They seem to understand one another on a level that I don’t always get. But then, my relationship with each of them is slightly different too.

With Lucius, I’m almost always the submissive. I follow where he leads. We’re equals, but I generally defer to his judgment. Not because he dominates me or because he’s my boss. But because, over the course of our lives, he’s proven to be a capable leader. I can trust him to take the helm while I work below deck to make sure our boat doesn’t sink. He just needs to be reminded from time to time that he doesn’t have to do everything himself.

Candor and I are on slightly more equal footing. However, he Copyright 2016 - 2024