Oh Lord, Help Me Keep My Panties on - By Lynda Burton Page 0,48

I said in a nonchalant voice. I got back into the cab, closed the door then instructed the driver to drive to airport.

When I arrived at the terminal I walked over to the first open newsstand I saw. I purchased a bottle of Advil and popped a double dose for my throbbing headache. Then I walked through the terminal to the check in and then through the security checkpoint. When I finally reach gate 9 my head felt as if it was going to explode! So I sat down closed my eyes and massaged my temples until it was time to board the plane. At five-thirty, an announcement was made that the plane was boarding passengers. Shit! Still no Kavon! I hope for his sake he makes it! When the second announcement was made, I got up and walked slowly to the line, handed the attendant my ticket and found my seat on the plane. Just as I sat down my cell phone rang. “Haley, what terminal are you at?” I looked at the phone and replied, “American, why, where are you?”

“I’m at Delta, aren’t we leaving from Delta?” he exclaimed. “No,” I said calmly. “Look at your ticket!” “Shit, I fucked up! I’m not at the right terminal!” he shouted. “Oh shit! I gotta run,” and then he hung up. I was sitting with my head against the window and eyes closed when Kavon rushed passed me sweating and breathing hard. He found a seat and sat down and tried to compose himself. He was seated a few rows behind me and didn’t notice that he had walked pass me as he rushed down the isle. After the plane took off and the seatbelt lights went off, I motioned for one of the stewardess. I pointed in his direction and asked her to let Kavon know where I was sitting.

He got up from his seat and joined me. Neither Kavon nor I spoke to one another during the whole flight, and I think it was best. When we arrived in the Bahamas, we were ready to have a good time. We caught a cab to the Marriott Crystal, where we registered at the front desk then walked to our room hand in hand. As soon as we reached our room, we grabbed our bathing suits from our bags, opting to unpack later and hit the water. We bypassed the pool and headed straight for the beach. The water was warm, clean and everything I needed to calm me down.

We swam and played in the water all afternoon. We ordered drinks and something to snack on when we went back to the pool area. It was almost nightfall when we decided to go back to our room after a day of fun in the sun. We showered, dressed casual, and went out for a quiet dinner. We found a restaurant within walking distance from the hotel and sat down for a romantic dinner. Walking back to the hotel we stopped at a liquor store and bought a bottle of Grey Goose and a container of orange juice for the room. Kavon ordered a late night snack from room service and made us a couple of drinks while I took a shower and changed into a soft pink negligee. While he showered, I sat on the terrace gazing at the reflection of the moonlight on the ocean and sipped my drink slowly. He exited the bathroom wearing only a towel and joined me on the terrace. He paced around for a moment then stated that he had something important to tell me. He seemed upset and nervous then took a long swallow from his glass. Kavon then took a long breath, and then dropped the bomb. “Haley, I want you to hear me out before you say anything, okay. I haven’t been totally honest with you,” he said. “Latrice and Chase aren’t my only kids. I have two more children that I didn’t tell you about.”

“Two years ago, I met this girl Channel, through a friend of mine. At the time it was no big deal. I hit it a couple of times, Channel was seeing some guy on the side and from what she told me he wasn’t very attentive to her needs. So, every now and then I stop by and take care of business and kick it with her. From what I understand now, I wasn’t the only one hitting on that. I found out by accident that

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