Oh Lord, Help Me Keep My Panties on - By Lynda Burton Page 0,47

persons associated with the World Trade Center attack. In fact, I said a prayer every night for his safety. Sometimes I would dream about dancing with him, I could see his face and feel his touch, but I couldn’t open my eyes, and when I did wake myself up, I could feel his presence. Deep down in my heart I knew that he was okay and that I would see him one day soon.

The weeks and days zipped by and the next thing I knew, it was the day before my trip to the Bahamas with Kavon. I walked in the house around 4:00 PM to find Hobbie fast asleep on the back porch. I gave him fresh water and food then played with him outside till dark. I had a few last minute things to take care of before I went to bed. So I zipped up my bags and carefully lugged it down the stairs. I picked up my keys and then headed to the grocery store to pick up a few things to stock up in the refrigerator and some goodies for Hobbie. Then I shot back home to finish packing a few odds and end in my pocketbook. Kavon called around nine-thirty and said that he would be over around eight o’clock with his bags and that he would spend the night with me. Well, it was well after twelve o’clock in the morning when he called again. “Shortie,” he said, “I’m real sorry. I didn’t mean to be out this late. I stopped by a friend’s house and ran into a couple of my boys. We started watching the fight on HBO and I got caught up in the moment. I’ll be home in a little while. I still have to finish packing my things. He explained I held my breath and said okay, then hung up the phone and cursed him under my breath.

I was getting pissed, but too tired to react. I rolled over and went back to sleep. Around three o’clock my alarm clock went off, and I got up took a quick shower. Hump, still no Kavon! What the hell was going on? Kavon called at 4:00 AM. “Hey, baby, I’m sorry that I didn’t make it over last night. I ended up playing a few hands of cards after we spoke. But I’m packed and ready to go, so why don’t you take a cab over to my house, and we can leave from here together. I annoyingly answered Kavon with a simple okay then hung up the phone. I went downstairs and checked the windows and doors then made sure Hobbs had water and food. I dialed the phone for a cab and jotted down a note for Sean and Monica while I waited. The cab arrived at my house about a half hour later. I gave Hobbie a hug as I opened the front door, picked up my bag and walked slowly to the cab. I jumped in the back seat and gave the cab driver Kavon’s address. As the cab pulled up in front of his house, I noticed that there were lights on in the living room and that the front door was open. I didn’t feel like getting out of the cab so I reached for my cell phone and called his number. He answered on the first ring and said that he would be out shortly. Thirty seconds later, he walked out of the house with empty hands. “Shit! What now?” I said to the cab driver. I rolled down the window as he walked over to the cab. “Uh, baby, can I speak to you in private?” Kavon said cautiously.

Immediately my head started to pound, and I felt an attitude on the rise. I told the driver to wait a second and got out of the cab. Kavon walked me over to the sidewalk so we could be out of ear shot of the driver. “Shortie, I know that you’re going kill me, but I can’t find my passport. I had it sitting on my desk today, but now it’s not there!” Kavon said. I was speechless and about to lose my temper, but never changed the expression on my face. I swallowed hard, took a deep breath, rubbed my temples, and walked back to the cab. I reached into the cab for my pocketbook, pulled out his ticket and handed it to him. “Here’s your ticket, I hope you make the plane,”

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