Obsessed (The Protectors #13) - Sloane Kennedy Page 0,66

than done.

It took a good minute to work up the energy to even try to move, but just as I was dropping my hands and bracing them on the tile floor so I could push myself to my feet, the shower door was torn open. I let out a little yelp at the sight of Matias standing there. He stuck his hand into the shower and turned the knob, cutting off the stream of water that was cascading over me and chilling my skin.

"Enough," he growled, and then he was reaching down and pulling me to my feet. Unfortunately, my feet weren’t quite ready to cooperate. I ended up stumbling forward, right into Matias’s warm body. I wanted to sink into it as the heat washed over me, but then I remembered how he hadn’t bothered to even look over his shoulder at me that day in the street as he’d walked away.

I pushed at him as best I could, but he didn't release me entirely. The fact that I was stark naked and dripping wet didn't seem to faze him in the least. He ripped a towel off one of the hooks near the shower and thrust it at me. "Dry yourself off," he demanded.

His words had me forgetting all about my state of undress… as well as my despair. I launched the towel at him and said, "Fuck you, Matias."

Matias’s already hard jaw turned to granite as the towel fell harmlessly to his feet. He stepped forward and kept coming until he had me crowded against the wall. I probably should've been afraid, but my body had decided to go in a whole different direction.

And not a good one.

Matias slapped his hands on each side of my head as he leaned in until his mouth was practically brushing mine. "I'm good with that," he muttered and then his mouth was on mine.

I wanted to resist him. I really did. But the second his lips met mine, all I could think about was the fact that I'd come so close to losing this… him. In the two weeks that I'd spent imagining him gone from my life forever, I'd wished for just one more moment like this. One more moment where I could taste him again, hold him again.

I whimpered when Matias’s fingers closed around my hardening dick. He gave me a few long, drawn-out tugs and then he was tearing his mouth from mine. I told myself to push him away, to tell him to get his hands off of me, but I could do nothing but stand there as his strong fingers toyed with me. His free hand came down to stroke over my cheek. His eyes never left mine.

"Do you want that, Sam? Do you want to be the first guy to fuck me?" Before I could answer him, he dipped his head and nipped at my lips. "Because I haven't been able to stop thinking about it," he murmured. His mouth once again sealed over mine. His kiss was desperate and deep and I felt it everywhere. This time when he released my mouth, he trailed kisses down my throat and along my chest. Then, to my disbelief, he was on his knees in front of me. His nose nuzzled my groin and he did that inhaling thing that made me crazy.

I knew I needed to stop it. But all the fear and anxiety and uncertainty that were pent up inside of me needed to come out and at the moment, I was more than happy to take that out on him in a different way.

"Open your mouth," I demanded. I knew I was pushing my luck because a guy like Matias didn't take orders. Not from me, not from anyone. Not even under the best of circumstances. But to my surprise, Matias lifted his eyes and held my gaze before slowly opening his mouth as wide as he could. He held there like that even when I didn't move right away.

I reached up to run my fingers over his firm lips. Matias closed his eyes as if he were in pain, but it only lasted a second or two and then he was opening them again. I was mesmerized by his submissiveness. Never in a million years would I have guessed he was even capable of such a thing. But the proof was before me. I pressed my thumb between his lips. He immediately closed them around the digit and began gently sucking on

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