Oath of the Alpha - Eva Dresden Page 0,47

hips. As vicious and frenzied as they were, it snapped and crackled through her veins, shivering through her limbs and drawing the muscles tight.

Growl as savage as she could make it, Aida shoved at him, knowing the position was not right for what she needed and understanding he let her topple them to the side until he lay beneath her. His grin as he folded his hands over her hips to push and pull her along his length expressed unabashed delight in her ferocity.

Power spilled over their skin in deep blue-purple, violent azure, and frenzied crimson, sizzling across their flesh as they came together, the slap of skin loud in the woods as Aida bent over him. Letting him control her movements so she could lean close, her lips hovered over his. They breathed one another in until the charged air slipped in a steady stream between them.

Close. So close.

His knot swelling as he delved deep inside her, Aida grabbed his shoulders to steady herself. Grinding back against his final thrust with a shattered cry, her muscles wrung the throbbing girth of him. Sheer bliss sheeted through her body, so sudden and intense she would have fallen aside had he not clung so hard to her. Their bodies joined, Aida dipped her head to his shoulder and burrowed her face against his warm skin, breathing in the musky cedar that was his alone before she opened her mouth wide.

It took far more effort than she thought to puncture his flesh, but Aida drove her teeth deeper as he roared under her. Hips jerking in an erratic tempo to push the knot deeper, Er’it wrapped his thick arm tight around her back to hold her to him. When his free hand moved to the back of her head, Aida feared he would pull her away. As she clenched her jaw all the harder, he only stroked the tangled curls and guided her for a better angle, baring his neck to give her more space.

Though he made savage sounds, his roars and bellows echoing through the trees, Er’it remained as still as he could under her slight weight. Moving only his hips, it was as if he sought to get somehow closer to her as she ravaged the patch between neck and shoulder.

“Deeper,” he ground out, fingers tangling in her hair to pull Aida closer. Pinning her hips to rut up into her with shallow thrusts, he rocked the knot against that spot inside her.

Aida keened as charged pleasure sizzled through her, the tight clench of her body refusing to release him. The sweet ache of his small movements pooled low in her belly, a wave building and building, threatening to destroy them all. Molten and thick, it smelled of cedar and spring, tasted of snow and musk. Aida screamed as her teeth punched through, a steady wash of hot blood coating her tongue.

It filled her mouth to overflowing as the deep purple-blue of the roiling energy spread out from them and painted the clearing, edging farther and farther out as Aida bit deeper. Deep enough to scar, it was a mark he would bear for a lifetime… one to match hers.

Wave breaking, it crashed over them. The vicious riptide of sensation left her breathless, though her lungs strained to push out yet another shriek, one of pure ecstasy as her body clenched around him so tight it pained them both. His ragged moan tumbled through her, a rockslide of bliss as he stilled.

Mouth still holding his shoulder, Aida bucked and shuddered. She was lost as the knot began to throb anew, filling her with the creamy fluid she craved.

The ache in her belly sated at last, Aida whimpered and closed her eyes. Trembling with the aftershocks of pleasure ricocheting through her body, exhaustion stole her sight.

Opening her eyes, Aida whined at the grinding ache in her hips. Feeling as if she’d been snapped in two and put back together with crude hands, she struggled to get her elbows beneath her to rise. Squawking as a heavy palm slapped down between her shoulder blades, she was driven down into a slab of heat.

“Be still,” Er’it mumbled against her crown, fingers soothing away the sting from her shoulders. Still, he tightened the arm he held across her back, keeping her hips snug to his.

“It hurts,” Aida whispered, lips smeared with the salty copper of his blood.

“I know, kou’va. Just a little longer. You’re still so cursedly tight, and I find I don’t want

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