Oath of the Alpha - Eva Dresden Page 0,46

kou’va. Only ever you,” Er’it whispered, scattering the charred sticks, staining his trousers as he shuffled closer. Wrapping an arm around her back to lift Aida against him, he captured her lips.

With wide eyes staring back at him from a fingerbreadth away, unable to even blink through the smudging haze of colors, Aida’s mouth opened out of instinct. At least, she told herself that as Er’it teased her with his tongue and nibbled at her lower lip. A determined invasion, one made up of deep rumbles and clutching hands, his mouth slanted over hers as he pulled her against his hardness, grinding her against it yet demanding nothing further.

“You prove nothing,” Aida gasped out when he freed her for a breath.

“Do you not remember my answers to your questions?” Er’it asked. Dipping down, he trailed torrid kisses along her neck, aiming for the ache in her shoulder that did not pain her as it should.

Pulling aside the loose collar of the tunic, he placed his lips against the wound. His growl of satisfaction grinding through her spine, she arched her back with a low cry as she grabbed hold of his head. As her fingers wrenched his braids, pressing him closer, a scratching itch in the back of her thoughts urged her to do something, to finish what she had started in the depths of night. Aida whined and jostled, something thick and hot twisting through her chest and turning her insides molten. It banished the cold shadows as it wrapped tight around her heart, wrenching it into a stuttering rhythm not her own.

Aida keened as the loud thunder at her temples buffeted her thoughts into ash, scattering them to the wind until she could do nothing more than cling to Er’it as his mouth ravaged her neck and shoulder. Groaning against the mark he’d made there, he murmured words she somehow understood, though she knew she shouldn’t. Struggling in his too tight embrace, she did not try to get away, instead wriggling to get closer. Lush heat urged her forward, demanding her action yet obscuring what she needed to do. She knew only that it must be done and soon.

She squealed when he lunged to his feet to carry her with him. Tumbling her among the mossy blooms, his weight crushed her into the earth even as he tried to shuffle his tunic up her body. Aggravated sounds spilled from between his clenched teeth when it would not rise past her hips.

Aida’s breath hissed between her teeth as Er’it’s heat and weight wrenched away from her so fast it made her head spin. Thoughts a cloudy tumble, she watched the predatory gleam in his eyes as she cowered in his shadow. Squeaking when her body was jolted as he split the tunic down the middle, Aida was left bare to his hungry gaze and then his starved mouth.

“Wait,” Aida whispered, tugging at his hair when Er’it began laving a wet trail down the line of her body. She fisted his braids when he growled against the cradle of her hips in warning and nipped at delicate flesh hard enough for her to feel the sting. “I… I need…”

She did not know what she asked for, but Er’it did. As her stomach tightened with a painful cramp and a rush of potent slick wet her thighs, he wrenched open the front of his breeches, tugging her thighs wide so he could drive in deep with a single thrust.

There was no tenderness now, not like he had shown her at the stream. His violence rammed into her with the same overwhelming sensation as his hips. Tearing through her chest, twisting around her heart, it burrowed deep within her soul. Sifting her thoughts down to the finest grains, clearing away the lustful haze, clarity was hers at last as she raked her nails down his back and bared her teeth at him.

His smile warning enough, Aida tried to brace for his brutal assault but failed in wonderful fashion as he left her crying out with his next savage thrust. His thick length was glorious as it stretched her, the deep ache magnificent. Wanting more, craving it, needing it, Aida wrapped her legs around his pistoning hips to bring them together with that much more force.

Indecision and shame gone, she reveled in it. The heavy tempest of him moving above her drove her to greater heights. There was nothing delicate or soft about the pleasure winding through her spine, delving low into her

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