Not What I Expected - Jewel E. Ann Page 0,103

my mind.

A new face greeted me from behind the counter. “Welcome. Let me know if I can help you with anything.” She smiled.

I nodded. “Thanks.”

The place wasn’t as crowded as I’d remembered it being, but it was the middle of a Tuesday in June. I recognized a few faces, friendly ones that gave me quick smiles and returned to their shopping. I grabbed a basket and started piling stuff into it.

I’d been secretly dying to start my own collection of specialty vinegars and oils, but I couldn’t do it with Kael as my competition. Over two hundred dollars later, I swiped my credit card and mustered the courage to ask my burning question. “Is Kael in today?”

“No. He’s been gone for weeks. Camping in Utah with friends.”

I nodded. “Sounds fun.”

“Yeah. He’s not here that often. Rachel manages most everything. Kael likes to travel … a lot.”

I smiled. “Yeah, I’ve heard that. Are you new to Epperly?”

“I am.” She handed me my receipt. “I met Kael years ago when he traveled to Toronto.”

“Ah, you’re Canadian?”

“Yes. Can’t you tell from the accent?” She laughed, curling her blond hair behind one ear as she showed off her perfect teeth and youthful complexion. “He offered me a job and has been letting me stay with him until I figure out where I want to be. I’m at a weird crossroad in my life.” She shrugged.

A beautiful young girl was staying with him. Nope … that didn’t bother me at all.

“Well, thanks. Have a good one.” I grabbed my bag and pushed through the door. “Oh … excuse me.” I ran right into someone.


When I glanced up, squinting against the sun, I realized it wasn’t just someone. It was Kael with a thicker beard and even longer hair. Tanned nose and cheeks. White smile. And that familiar sparkle in his eyes.

“Hi.” I finally returned his greeting after staring at him in disbelief for several moments.

He nodded to the bag in my hand. “Looks like you bought one of everything.”

I glanced down at the bag and shrugged. “Just supporting local businesses.”

As a couple squeezed by us to get into the store, Kael took a step back so I could get out the door and out of their way. We met going into winter, so it was strange seeing him in cargo shorts, a well-fitted tee, and sneakers instead of boots.

“You look good. I like your shorter hair.”

I reached for my chin-length hair and smiled. He still managed to make me blush just from his proximity … from the grin on his face and mischief in his eyes. “Thanks. I needed a change.”

“Change is good.” His hands went straight for his back pockets, his usual stance. It pulled back his shoulders, made him appear a little taller, and definitely fit the Captain America persona.

“Your employee … friend … roommate … uh …” My nose scrunched as I fumbled my words. “She said you were in Utah.”

“I was. Just got back this morning. We drove through the night. I’m in need of a nap.” He yawned. “But I wanted to check on things here first.”

It took me a few seconds to realize he’d stopped talking. I found myself enamored with the simplicity of his presence before me. I knew I’d missed him, but I wasn’t aware of just how much until he stood a few feet from me. “Well, I won’t keep you. I just ventured out beyond the grocery store and the bank for the first time in months. So …”

“Finish your quilts?” He grinned.

Gah! I loved that grin.

“Three of them.”


I chuckled and nodded. “Every room. I’ve tidied up the landscaping and potted lots of plants. I didn’t start my usual garden because I’d hoped the house would sell, but clearly nobody wants to move to Epperly. And who can blame them?”

“Bella leave for school?”

“Not yet. She’s in Arizona for the summer with my parents. She’ll move to Texas the first of August. I already have my airfare booked to help her get settled.”

“And you?”

“And me …” I grinned and sighed. “I’m just living in the moment.” My smile intensified in response to his.

“What are you going to do when the house sells?”

“If it sells? I don’t know. After Bella starts school this fall, I’m thinking of traveling. Maybe I’ll learn to make olive oil in Italy or captain a boat on the Mediterranean.”

Kael nodded. “All good plans.”

“Actually, I’m leaning toward Peru.”

“Peru?” He lifted his eyebrows.

“Yes. Machu Picchu. The Amazon.”

“Sounds amazing.”

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